Welcome! You have entered [Neutral Grounds] at 5:08 am
[ Kidman ]: -- Welcome! Please stay in character while in chat, (use parenthesis for Out Of Character messages). Also remember, this is the Internet, DO NOT give out personal information.
[Neutral Grounds]: Carmen has entered at 5:40 am
[ DericStorm ]: hey hey hey
[ Carmen ]: (Ah, perfect, I'm in time.)
[ Carmen ]: Good evening, Mr. Storm.
[ Carmen ]: Kidman.
[ Carmen ]: (I'll need 15 minutes to wrap up an article to my editor, I apologise)
[ DericStorm ]: (I'm not going anywhere)
[Neutral Grounds]: EarlJr has entered at 5:42 am
[ DericStorm ]: evening flyboy
[ EarlJr ]: evening Deric, everyone
[ EarlJr ]: who's the newbie?
[ DericStorm ]: one of Carmen's many groupies
[ EarlJr ]: figures
[ Carmen ]: (Not at all treading lightly are we?)
[ Carmen ]: Evening, Mr. Grovington.
[ DericStorm ]: like it says in my file, I'm not paid to be subtle
[ EarlJr ]: (I don't know if you're here or not Kidman, so I'll go ahead and compliment you on your work now instead of spamming your inbox.)
[ Carmen ]: You're faring well?
[ DericStorm ]: (she's been in and out over the past few hours. we actually talked for about 2 hours)
[ Kidman ]: Oh dear, wasn't paying attention
[ EarlJr ]: (oh good. No one will need to pass notes now.)
[ DericStorm ]: (it lives!!!)
[ Kidman ]: (Sorry, mates!)
[ EarlJr ]: I'm as well as can be expected when subjected to Fearless Leaders mechanations.
[ Kidman ]: Carmen...?
[ Kidman ]: Oh, I say, EarlJr, hullo!
[ EarlJr ]: (no need to apologize. I don't hold high expectations in flashchat.)
[ EarlJr ]: Hi there
[ EarlJr ]: I suppose a proper introduction is in order, given the company?
[ Kidman ]: Was off uploading some old this and thats. You never notice what you have until you have to pack it all.
[ Kidman ]: Are you...of us?
[ DericStorm ]: he's with me
[ Kidman ]: I'm so very sorry.
[ EarlJr ]: Me too, but for very different reasons.
[ Kidman ]: Do tell?
[ EarlJr ]: because I have a surprise coming up for you
[ EarlJr ]: (a real surprise, with tragic consequences)
[ Kidman ]: presses up against the wall.
[ Kidman ]: ....i don't like you ACMEs....
[ Kidman ]: ...safer here in the brair patch is what I am...
[ EarlJr ]: oh, they're harmless enough, just so long as someone can be counted on to keep them on a leash.
[ DericStorm ]: woof woof
[ Kidman ]: Exactly.
[ EarlJr ]: case in point.
[ Carmen ]: "Harmless enough," I do love your phrasing.
[ Carmen ]: Hello Kidman.
[ Kidman ]: hides in Carmen's shadow with a sigh of nervous relief.
[ Kidman ]: Hello Mast- Carmen.
[ Carmen ]: You'll have to forgive them long enough, then they're perfect gentlemen.
[ EarlJr ]: Sorry, didn't mean to frighten the new kid.
[ Kidman ]: Begging your pardon, but I'm not so sure.
[ EarlJr ]: about?
[ Kidman ]: That one there insists shooting a person for running is fair play.
[ Carmen ]: She's somewhat easily frightened.
[ Kidman ]: Gentlemen indeed.
[ EarlJr ]: by that one, you do mean Detective Storm, right?
[ Kidman ]: Yes.
[ DericStorm ]: by "running", i said "resisting arrest" and i use rubber bullets
[ Carmen ]: He also quotes films.
[ Kidman ]: You didn't say that outright. You said running and you said 'shoot in the leg'.
[ EarlJr ]: Lethal force is only used when there is an immediate threat to a life.
[ Carmen ]: Well, that sounds like valid fear.
[ DericStorm ]: i don't use anywhere near "lethal force"
[ Kidman ]: I'm glad at least one of you knows that.
[ Carmen ]: Yes, also, this is Neutral Grounds.
[ EarlJr ]: alright, you have fun breaking this one down Deric.
[ DericStorm ]: Great googly-moogly, she's making me sound like Lee
[ Kidman ]: I've seen the damage Ivy's done....
[ Carmen ]: Sounding like your own foil, Mr. Storm?
[ Kidman ]: I'll never forget it. Ever.
[ DericStorm ]: no, Carmen, your groupie is twisting things to make me look like that weasel
[ Carmen ]: She's afraid of you, naturally, she'll do that.
[Neutral Grounds]: Calico has entered at 6:08 am
[ DericStorm ]: :biggrin:
[ EarlJr ]: Evening Cali
[ Calico ]: Alo!
[ Calico ]: *rs* look who is smiling
[ Kidman ]: Hullo?
[ Carmen ]: Welcome, Cali.
[ EarlJr ]: I think his face is about to split in half.
[ DericStorm ]: bite me, flyboy
[ Calico ]: No biting, sim?
[ DericStorm ]: ok
[ Calico ]: Hi Kidman :)
[ EarlJr ]: despite not being a vampire, that can be arranged.
[ Calico ]: You can save the biting for later when I make my ginger cookies
[ Calico ]: They come out so tough :(
[ Calico ]: I must fix recipe
[ Carmen ]: Kidman, Cali is ACME's explosives specialist.
[ DericStorm ]: what's in the recipe, Bombshell?
[ Calico ]: Sim, I make things explode.
[ Kidman ]: Does she make them or disarm them?
[ Calico ]: I think I'm using too much the butter
[ DericStorm ]: both
[ Calico ]: I do both
[ Calico ]: :)
[ Kidman ]: Oh.
[ Kidman ]: Does that come up often?
[ Calico ]: Not on the VILE case, but for others sometimes bomb come up
[ Calico ]: I am nearly never on VILE cases unless Deric wants company bombtech
[ DericStorm ]: :red: right...
[ EarlJr ]: and sometimes, Deric is the bomb she has to disarm.
[ Calico ]: I am Brasilian, Kidman, where are you from?
[ Kidman ]: I'm... not entirely sure. But Englad. Let's say that.
[ Calico ]: Sim, sometimes, he is like bomb, but I can't just use scissors to cut his fuse.
[ Calico ]: Other one time, he so mad at Lee Jordan, no reason, punched his face.
[ DericStorm ]: Hey now, there was a reason
[ DericStorm ]: I thought he had elped kidnap the Chief's granddaughter
[ Kidman ]: I read about that.
[ Calico ]: You get me, sim? No reason.
[ Kidman ]: But you had no basis for it.
[ Kidman ]: Sim?
[ Calico ]: Standing next to him, I was so embarrassed.
[ DericStorm ]: embarrased enough to slap me?
[ Carmen ]: It's Portuguese for "yes."
[ Calico ]: Ohh sorry, I use that too much. :)
[ Calico ]: Sim = yes
[ Calico ]: Also rs = lol
[ Kidman ]: Ah. Like 'neh' in japanese?
[ Calico ]: *r* = *lol* too
[ Calico ]: I do not know of japan, but I think so.
[ DericStorm ]: ...
[ Kidman ]: putters about.
[ Calico ]: *r*
[ Calico ]: What is England like?
[ Kidman ]: Vast! :-)
[ Kidman ]: It rolls on and on....
[ DericStorm ]: it's an island
[ Kidman ]: You get a star.
[ DericStorm ]: used to think they could invade their neighbors until they were kicked out
[ Carmen ]: Mm, is that the Irish part of you speaking?
[ DericStorm ]: maybe...
[ Kidman ]: You mean the US?
[ DericStorm ]: no, I mean Ireland
[ EarlJr ]: chuckles
[ Calico ]: I never thought I would get along with an Irish, good thing he's actually American
[ Calico ]: :)
[ DericStorm ]: this coming form a woman who tossed me in her shower wearing nothing but my skivvies
[ EarlJr ]: I'm sure you would have preferred her to strip those off too.
[ Kidman ]: Well now!
[ Calico ]: I have seen more, don't forget, menino
[ Calico ]: nothing surprising.
[ DericStorm ]: 8s:red:8s
[ Carmen ]: I'm sure she doesn't mean it literally.
[ EarlJr ]: Don't look at us like that; you opened the door to this line of thought.
[ Kidman ]: That seems to be his thing.
[ Calico ]: Ahh! Not yours! What are you thinking?!
[ DericStorm ]: hey i was basically comatose at the time, i don't remember much
[ Calico ]: :red:
[ Calico ]: We change topic, I don't want to talk about underwear.
[ Carmen ]: *Laughs*
[ DericStorm ]: good call
[ Kidman ]: ...Carmen laughter is a happy sound....
[ Calico ]: Men think too far.
[ DericStorm ]: can't argue that
[ Carmen ]: It is, isn't it?
[ Calico ]: The boys can be very funny :)
[ Calico ]: They say silly things
[ EarlJr ]: Only when we're not trying.
[ DericStorm ]: i can't help it
[ Kidman ]: I....sort of miss that. I used to work with a group of them.
[ Kidman ]: Rough edges and all.
[ Calico ]: What is rough edges?
[ Calico ]: Does it mean not nice?
[ DericStorm ]: it means we have flaws
[Neutral Grounds]: Chip_Masters has entered at 6:34 am
[ Kidman ]: No, it means not polished.
[Neutral Grounds]: Patty-Larceny has entered at 6:35 am
[ DericStorm ]: oh lord, here comes trouble
[ Kidman ]: Like... Mr. Storm... Now that I think of it, minus the violent manner, you remind me of my old crew.
[ Chip_Masters ]: OK, someone took the binders from my office.
[ Kidman ]: :weird:
[ Patty-Larceny ]: It wasn't me!
[ Carmen ]: Mr. Masters, Patty.
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Carmen! Ooh *huggles*
[ Kidman ]: 8s
[ Patty-Larceny ]: I tots need to get a manicure, the gloves really do a number on my nails.
[ Chip_Masters ]: They are extremely important to the IT department, and I want them returned undamaged.
[ Chip_Masters ]: No questions will be asked.
[ DericStorm ]: i didn't take 'em
[ Carmen ]: Kidman, this is Patty, I'm sure you know. And this is Chip Masters, ACME's technical side.
[ Kidman ]: thinks to self 'you can hug Carmen?'
[ Chip_Masters ]: The VP of IT, to be precise.
[ Calico ]: You think your Winston assistant took the blinds?
[ DericStorm ]: binders, Cali
[ Patty-Larceny ]: What the heck does VP stand for?
[ Kidman ]: Oh, hullo, Patty. I've not met you yet.
[ Calico ]: Oh, binders then :)
[ Chip_Masters ]: Winston? No, the boy's too honest to take stuff from my office without asking
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Hi! Can I call you Kiddy?
[ DericStorm ]: what did the binders entail?
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Give it a rest, Chip, you probably misplaced them.
[ Kidman ]: Oh! Okay!:)
[ Chip_Masters ]: Operation manuals for the network hardware
[ Chip_Masters ]: You know, the wire room?
[ Patty-Larceny ]: tots awesome! we have a kiddy!
[ DericStorm ]: A "How To" for the Medusa?
[ Calico ]: Chase will be angry if you lose those, sim?
[ DericStorm ]: Chase probably doesn't even know what they are
[ Calico ]: We all have to find the binders, I think.
[ DericStorm ]: i think i saw a service tech with one
[ Kidman ]: You seem very happy. I like that. :)
[ Calico ]: No, but he will know what they are for. He is weird like that, knows everything.
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Lulz!
[ DericStorm ]: He's Batman. He knows everything
[ Patty-Larceny ]: You guys better find them binders before Chase fires Chip.
[ DericStorm ]: He wouldn't do that
[ Kidman ]: Wait, you keep things in binders? On paper? For a computer system?
[ DericStorm ]: Chip has the GPS location of all the bodies
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Winston'll take Chip's place, imagine the chaos!
[ Kidman ]: Shouldn't you have that digitized by now?
[ Chip_Masters ]: It's in case the computers go down
[ DericStorm ]: Paper doesn't crash
[ EarlJr ]: Fail Safes, Kidman. Fail safes.
[ Kidman ]: paper gets wet, burned, eaten...
[ EarlJr ]: batteries die, hardware glitches
[ DericStorm ]: facepalms
[ Chip_Masters ]: Hang on, I'm getting a call.
[ Kidman ]: Two words: multiple copies.
[ Patty-Larceny ]: lulz
[ Patty-Larceny ]: So does Chase officially gets called Batman at the office?
[ Chip_Masters ]: Ah, the setup team in Berlin "borrowed" them.
[ DericStorm ]: only by his phone
[ Kidman ]: Does he sleep upsidedown?
[ Calico ]: Ohh, I don't know that.
[ DericStorm ]: he has Siri
[ DericStorm ]: I'm joking, Cali
[ Calico ]: *rs rs*
[ Chip_Masters ]: I will have to ready the ERT when they get back.
[ DericStorm ]: I call him El Jefe
[ Kidman ]: ERT?
[ Carmen ]: From his latest comment to Eugene's journal entry, I don't think the man plans to sleep.
[ Chip_Masters ]: It's a classified IT thing. Can't tell you what it is.
[ EarlJr ]: that is not an admirable goal.
[ Patty-Larceny ]: lulz Chase is hilarious and he doesn't know it.
[ DericStorm ]: but, he'll have more brooding time
[ Chip_Masters ]: I tell you, the things that man does...
[ EarlJr ]: and more time for his pet projects
[ Calico ]: He is funny?
[ Kidman ]: Emergancy response team?
[ Chip_Masters ]: Unintentionally.
[ Calico ]: I thought he was mostly quiet and stares angrily at things.
[ DericStorm ]: Patty is mocking him
[ Chip_Masters ]: Not even close, Kidman.
[ EarlJr ]: he's an easy target.
[ Chip_Masters ]: the "T" is "tool" and that's all I'm going to give up.
[ Patty-Larceny ]: lulz waaaayyy easier a target than he knows.
[ Kidman ]: Well the E is probably 'Electronic'
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Plus making fun of him puts me in a better place.
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Tool? What kind of tool? Like a douche?
[ Calico ]: *rs* Patty
[ DericStorm ]: wow
[ Kidman ]: I wouldn't call that a tool. It doesn't do anything useful. tools are useful.
[ Patty-Larceny ]: I tots missed something
[ EarlJr ]: You always do Patty.
[ DericStorm ]: totally
[ Kidman ]: Those things are bad for your health, you know.
[ EarlJr ]: Trust Patty to put this conversation in the gutter.
[ DericStorm ]: (Wow, I just realized the groupies train of thought)
[ Chip_Masters ]: (nerf bat)
[ Kidman ]: Electronic Reporting Tool
[ Kidman ]: Is that it?
[ EarlJr ]: don't we already have one of those?
[ Kidman ]: I believe the term 'smelt it, dealt it' applies to Mr. Storm.
[ Carmen ]: *Laughs*
[ DericStorm ]: not at all
[ Kidman ]: enjoys her auditory reward.
[ Calico ]: I am going to bed, amigos, night-night here in Brasil
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Awwww buh bye, Cali!
[ DericStorm ]: night Cali
[ Kidman ]: Night!
[ EarlJr ]: bye Cali. It was fun.
[ Calico ]: :)
[ Carmen ]: Be well, Miss. Corranos.
[ Calico ]: Thank you!
[Neutral Grounds]: Calico has left at 6:56 am
[ DericStorm ]: :(
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Oh you
[ Patty-Larceny ]: lulz
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Have you told her you liked her, or are you going to keep this all to yourself and the rest of us?
[Neutral Grounds]: Scarlet has entered at 6:58 am
[ EarlJr ]: he wears his heart on his sleeve, that one.
[Neutral Grounds]: Scarlet has left at 6:58 am
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Awwww! Doc Sophie!!
[Neutral Grounds]: Scarlet has entered at 6:58 am
[ Patty-Larceny ]: You missed Cali *hugs*
[ Kidman ]: gives Mr. Storm a :rose:
[ DericStorm ]: take 2
[ Patty-Larceny ]: You here doc?
[ Scarlet ]: Good morning, everyone. This is interesting...
[ Scarlet ]: :)
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Hiii!! *hugs* (2nd time)
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Doc, have you met Kiddy?
[ Scarlet ]: Aw... *hugs back* You're lovely.
[ Carmen ]: Dr. Conrad, welcome.
[ Scarlet ]: Yes, I've previously had the pleasure.
[ Kidman ]: Oh, hullo again. I remember you. You had orange juice.
[ DericStorm ]: what's up, Pippi?
[ Scarlet ]: Hm, nothing of particular...
[ Patty-Larceny ]: I so want orange juice now
[ Scarlet ]: Must you tease Mr. Kerr so?
[ EarlJr ]: uh, yes
[ Scarlet ]: Do we not still have any?
[ DericStorm ]: Let me think..... yep
[ Chip_Masters ]: Huh?
[ Kidman ]: I like Mr. Kerr.
[ DericStorm ]: come on, tell me it didn't make you chuckle
[ Patty-Larceny ]: I totally LOLed
[ EarlJr ]: I admit, I chuckled a bit.
[ Scarlet ]: Oh, it did, certainly.
[ Kidman ]: Although I would have went with 'why so serious?'
[ Scarlet ]: retrieves a bottle of orange juice from the refrigerator and pours a glass out for Patty...
[ DericStorm ]: i respect heath too much to do that
[ Carmen ]: I think that was Joe's intention as well, he's quite the giver of laughs.
[ EarlJr ]: while you have it out, may I have a glass Scarlet?
[ Kidman ]: I would think that would be IN respect of Heath.
[ Scarlet ]: Does everyone want a glass?
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Anybody else what a cup?
[ DericStorm ]: nope
[ Kidman ]: He's the one that made it legendary.
[ Kidman ]: Yes please...
[ Carmen ]: I'll take half a glass, please.
[ Patty-Larceny ]: lulz cup half full for Carmen. :D
[ Scarlet ]: Very good...
[ Scarlet ]: distributes the glasses respectively.
[ Patty-Larceny ]: totally loves orange juice
[ EarlJr ]: thank you Sophie.
[ Kidman ]: Cheers, love....
[ Carmen ]: Mm, yes, thank you.
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Let's do a toast!
[ Kidman ]: To what?
[ Patty-Larceny ]: To sharing orange juice and all that stuff before we start pounding at Deric's bad jokes!
[ Scarlet ]: passes a glass of iced water and lemon to Deric.
[ EarlJr ]: to violence
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Aw, Huge Jeans
[ Kidman ]: makes face at EarlJr
[ Patty-Larceny ]: You got to go do violence on us again
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Have a little love
[ DericStorm ]: To a little love
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Want some sugar in your OJ?
[ EarlJr ]: Tried that. Didn't work.
[ EarlJr ]: I go with what I know works
[ DericStorm ]: r u talking the sugar or the love?
[ EarlJr ]: I don't think you need any sugar Patty.
[ Carmen ]: I'll drink to sharing.
[ Kidman ]: Why is it the good guys are scarier than us bad guys?
[ DericStorm ]: we need to keep you in line
[ Chip_Masters ]: Who drank the last cup and didn't brew a new pot?!
[ EarlJr ]: unconventional solutions reach into some strange realms
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Kiddy, I wonder the same thing
[ Kidman ]: Of orange juice???
[ EarlJr ]: not I Chip
[ Patty-Larceny ]: I'm with Carmen, let's drink to sharing
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Cheers peeps!
[ DericStorm ]: Cheers
[ Carmen ]: Mm, salut.
[ Patty-Larceny ]: drinks
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Drink up or it gets cold.
[ EarlJr ]: halfheartedly gestures with his glass
[ EarlJr ]: ...
[ Scarlet ]: Yes, sante.
[ Patty-Larceny ]: lulz
[ Kidman ]: To lulz!
[ EarlJr ]: and she calls me scary?
[ Scarlet ]: Hm, to sharing lulz?
[ Kidman ]: Lulz are scary?
[ Kidman ]: Lulz Sec can be scary.
[ Kidman ]: And they toast to thinks often. Hmmmm.....
[ Kidman ]: things
[Neutral Grounds]: Chip_Masters has left at 7:17 am
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Chippy?
[ Patty-Larceny ]: For a computer freak, his sure blacks out often
[ Kidman ]: I think I scared him with Lulz Sec... :(
[ Carmen ]: Ah, the ironies that plague ACME.
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Kidman, I tots love your artwork! :D
[ Patty-Larceny ]: That's IC and OOC, cuz it applies
[ Kidman ]: Oh thanks, love!
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Awww, loves you too, love *huggles*
[ Patty-Larceny ]: You ACME peeps come up with more plans yet?
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Like, maybe when this starts?
[ Kidman ]: I've been drawing such things for many years now. Some of those pieces are almost as old as I am.
[ Patty-Larceny ]: You should draw more new ones.
[ Kidman ]: The first few are new. I drew them on the plane back home. The first time in years....
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Oooh! So neat!
[ Carmen ]: Mm, I agree.
[ Kidman ]: :red:
[ DericStorm ]: very nice
[ Patty-Larceny ]: I like pencil artwork
[ Kidman ]: There's more about. But to be drawing again, drawing her again... it brings a bit of treasure to my heart.
[ Kidman ]: IC and OOC
[ Patty-Larceny ]: tots! I can't draw, but I like what you just said.
[ Kidman ]: I do all manner of things. I'm sort of an odd job.
[ Kidman ]: http://www.flickr.com/photos/handmaiden_phi/5078120016/in/set-72157594149434977
[ Carmen ]: It's quite a talent, dear, don't sell yourself short.
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Very awesome :D
[ Kidman ]: The one digital I have of Carmen
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Chase only does digital? I forgot if he had any penciling.
[ Scarlet ]: (He does.)
[ Kidman ]: Chase draws too?
[ Scarlet ]: (All the artwork on TECS was done by Chase.)
[ Scarlet ]: (The layout, the avatars, etc...)
[ Kidman ]: (Ah, that's right)
[ Carmen ]: (As far as I'm aware, he has rare penciling pieces that he purposely doesn't share.)
[ DericStorm ]: (he's even working on a CS comic book)
[ Kidman ]: (I think we all do...)
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Chase did my Avatar, I look a little like Britney Spears! :D
[ Scarlet ]: (Yes, and he also complains that his Moleskine is too hard to scan...)
[ EarlJr ]: (alright everyone, it's been fun, but I have to check out.)
[ Carmen ]: Fare well, Mr. Grovington.
[Neutral Grounds]: EarlJr has left at 7:31 am
[ Kidman ]: Night, love
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Awww Huge Jeans has to leave
[ DericStorm ]: why don't you use the comic book version
[ Kidman ]: He's a rather moody one. Worse than me.
[ DericStorm ]: he's gruff, but nice
[ Kidman ]: Mr. Storm, would you really shoot us with rubber bullets?
[ Patty-Larceny ]: He's gruff if you just say hi, but if you tickle him, he's really squishy.
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Nobody's ever used a gun yet on a VILE case if I remember
[ DericStorm ]: if you didn't stop when i ordered you too, possibly
[ Kidman ]: points accusingly.
[ Patty-Larceny ]: looks at Deric.
[ Patty-Larceny ]: He's harmless too, as long as your name ain't Lee Jordan.
[ DericStorm ]: exactly
[ Kidman ]: Why do you hate Lee so much?
[ DericStorm ]: i don't hate Lee, i just don't trust him
[ Patty-Larceny ]: He's a an arrogant douche bag.
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Oh, lulz, you asked Paddy, not me.
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Good answer, Paddy, trust is awesome
[ Kidman ]: Paddy?
[ DericStorm ]: a somewhat derogatory term for Irish people
[ Patty-Larceny ]: It's what I call the Irish-blooded blondie.
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Cuz I can't negatively call him blondie without changing my hair color.
[ Carmen ]: Emphatically. Patty is full of layered reasoning.
[ Patty-Larceny ]: OMG, Chase loves that word!
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Or likes it when you say it, duh.
[ Patty-Larceny ]: (secretly)
[ Carmen ]: Hence, I'm only saying it because he isn't here.
[ Carmen ]: And Eugene isn't around to report.
[ Patty-Larceny ]: lulz
[ DericStorm ]: what abotu me and Pippi?
[ Kidman ]: The best way to defend against the claim of hypocrite is to claim you never said you weren't.
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Doc won't say anything.
[ Patty-Larceny ]: There's only you, Paddy
[ Patty-Larceny ]: So we'll know if he knows.... that you spilled it.
[ Kidman ]: Patty Pippi Paddy.
[ Patty-Larceny ]: We should start a band!!
[ Kidman ]: The Patty Pippi Paddy Party!
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Why does that sound so Texian?
[ Patty-Larceny ]: (Texan, whatever)
[ Scarlet ]: laughs.
[ DericStorm ]: :weird:
[ Scarlet ]: Miss Larceny, you are always funny.
[ Patty-Larceny ]: It's like we'll play no more than 3 songs... in a cowboy loop
[ Kidman ]: Needs more pecks of pickled peppers.
[ Scarlet ]: And a Peter, yes?
[ Carmen ]: Mm, or simply a Piper.
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Totes, with a piper, we'll have a band for sure
[ Patty-Larceny ]: but, probably no record labels
[ DericStorm ]: bagpipes rock
[ Patty-Larceny ]: plays a bad chord on an electric bass
[ Patty-Larceny ]: What can Doc Sophie play?
[ Kidman ]: I sing when no one can hear.:red:
[ DericStorm ]: (I went to St. Patrick's Day in NYC last march and as i was leaving, I walked past a bagpipe jame session. It was pretty cool)
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Then what's the point of singing? :)
[ Patty-Larceny ]: You play the bagpipe, Paddy?
[ Kidman ]: Because I can hear it, love...
[ DericStorm ]: not at all
[ DericStorm ]: I play piano and acoustic guitar
[ Patty-Larceny ]: We can't start a band if we don't do music
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Fine, guitar then
[ Kidman ]: I know most of the traditional BP songs!
[ Kidman ]: I was in a band once, with my old crew. We were just fooling around.
[ Kidman ]: I have a picture somewhere.
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Was your old crew people in VILE?
[ Kidman ]: Yeah...
[ Kidman ]: We called ourselves 'Band of Thieves'
[ Scarlet ]: (I love the use of bagpipes in Muse's Glasgow Jam.)
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Are they still in VILE?
[ DericStorm ]: You should introduce her to Anja and Astrid
[ Kidman ]: I'm not sure. They got moved around, dropped out, got married...
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Ooooh the twins!
[ Kidman ]: The base in Yorkshire used to be pretty busy, but then that other one opened up and you know how it goes.
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Kiddy, you'll love the twins
[ Kidman ]: Twins?
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Yeah, they don't really do stuff for VILE, I mean, not steal things
[ Patty-Larceny ]: but we use them sometimes as cover, while they're touring and stuffs.
[ Kidman ]: Do they have a band?
[ Carmen ]: I forgot we had a facility in Yorkshire, we'll have to move a few things this coming year.
[ Patty-Larceny ]: My favorite base is the Maldives one
[ Patty-Larceny ]: They're their own band The Techno Twins. :D
[ Kidman ]: It's okay, Carmen. There's not much left.
[ DericStorm ]: (alright ladies, I must retire for the evening. nice to see all of you)
[ Carmen ]: Be well, Mr. Storm.
[ Kidman ]: grows ever so slightly melancholy.
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Bye-e Paddy!
[ Kidman ]: Night, love.
[ Carmen ]: "Not much left" is often exactly what I need.
[Neutral Grounds]: DericStorm has left at 8:00 am
[ Kidman ]: :red:
[ Patty-Larceny ]: How come?
[ Carmen ]: An empty space no longer wanted. It's good logic for future investments.
[ Carmen ]: Nonetheless, strategies may change soon.
[ Kidman ]: What if it was left behind for a reason?
[ Patty-Larceny ]: You're talking about Chase's new plans?
[ Kidman ]: Oh! Chase has new plans for something?
[ Carmen ]: The only valid reason anything should be left behind is danger. For some, it's toxic waste, for us, it may be ACME's activities.
[ Carmen ]: I'm not fully aware of Chase's plans. That irks me, partially.
[ Kidman ]: Is he, does he mean us harm?
[ Patty-Larceny ]: I thought it was kinda clear on his last post of Hiatus? "Start marking their headquarters or something."
[ Kidman ]: Are they really that obvious?
[ Carmen ]: I'm not worried about headquarters. We have plenty of small operational bases, we'll be fine without them.
[ Scarlet ]: I doubt it's what he says that you should worry about, Miss Kidman.
[ Scarlet ]: It's what he doesn't.
[ Carmen ]: Mm, precisely, I doubt they're obvious.
[ Kidman ]: Yes... I know.
[ Kidman ]: I don't... trust ACME.
[ Patty-Larceny ]: OMG, I just realized Chase is scary when he's unpredictable. 8s
[ Scarlet ]: I'm sure the feeling is mutual, darling.
[ Carmen ]: Odd, isn't it? You jest about the man one minute, afraid of him the next.
[ Kidman ]: I was never not afraid of him.
[ Kidman ]: Nobody is more dangerous than he who imagines himself pure in heart; for his purity, by definition, is unassailable.
...James A. Baldwin

[ Patty-Larceny ]: Oh tots, not really 'afraid' yeah? I mean, he's a good sport.
[ Carmen ]: What I'm counting on, of course, are things he doesn't know.
[ Patty-Larceny ]: What doesn't he know?
[ Kidman ]: SHHHHHH!!!!
[ Carmen ]: No, we first begin with what he does know.
[ Carmen ]: Quite obviously, he knows me, to a greater extent than I would willingly admit.
[ Carmen ]: And with every bit of passage, he's proving that he knows a little more.
[ Carmen ]: He also knows Vincent, even Flag, those involved in the towers... and anyone with a dossier saved at ACME.
[ Patty-Larceny ]: So that's about all of us?
[ Kidman ]: clenches fists near imperceptibly.
[ Carmen ]: Now, he doesn't know Kidman.
[ Patty-Larceny ]: *gasps* OMG!
[ Kidman ]: shrinks back despite herself.
[ Scarlet ]: He's mentioned that.
[ Carmen ]: He has?
[ Scarlet ]: He doesn't know the twins, either.
[ Scarlet ]: I believe Anja and he spoke about this...
[ Scarlet ]: Everyone has their own wild cards.
[ Carmen ]: The twins, I can't use against him properly. They have their purpose elsewhere.
[ Patty-Larceny ]: What about Dr. Roux the guy with the birdmask?
[ Kidman ]: wait why are we telling the acme what we're doing we shouldn't do that!
[ Carmen ]: He's not an agent, he's a researching doctor. (And IC, I hardly know of him.)
[ Carmen ]: Most our words are safe with Dr. Conrad.
[ Scarlet ]: Mm, this could be entrapment, too, might it not be?
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Yeah, she's trustworthy, Sophie
[ Scarlet ]: You think I will inform him.
[ Kidman ]: I have... no choice but to trust you, Mast- Carmen.
[ Scarlet ]: Thank you for that vote of confidence. Miss Larceny.
[ Scarlet ]: Oh, there is always a choice.
[ Scarlet ]: (Kidman must enter the threads somehow...)
[ Kidman ]: I can't change what she choses to believe.
[ Carmen ]: The feeling is mutual, Kiddy, I trust you impeccably.
[ Kidman ]: :red:
[ Kidman ]: is thoroughly dizzy.
[ Carmen ]: (We're forming a journal for her entry, I'm sure it will be much easier for her to enter the treads after.)
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Tots!
[ Scarlet ]: (Ah, good... :) )
[ Patty-Larceny ]: I love Carmen-henchmen journals!
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Vic's involved too? Gotta have vic!
[ Carmen ]: Yes, Vincent is writing as well.
[ Kidman ]: It's been beautful fun, it has...
[ Patty-Larceny ]: You think ACME's planning something bad?
[ Kidman ]: Yes.
[ Carmen ]: I know they're planning, but I don't know what.
[ Kidman ]: Oh, that was meant for Carmen.
[ Carmen ]: I'm still unclear why he would destroy ACME tower.
[ Carmen ]: Rather, how he went about doing so.
[ Kidman ]: Have... any of you ever read the Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe?
[ Carmen ]: Yes, a classic, but I read it long ago.
[ Patty-Larceny ]: I read it for school :)
[ Scarlet ]: (Is there a reason you brought that up?)
[ Kidman ]: Don't fear the witch. Fear the lion.
[ Patty-Larceny ]: LULZ!
[ Kidman ]: I'm serious!
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Oh tots! No no, I get you.
[ Patty-Larceny ]: It works!
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Chase is kinda going down that path right now.
[ Kidman ]: Read it and tell me you don't see the paralells! The self sacrifice, it's a bluff.
[ Carmen ]: Mm, save for the fact that the Lion is much more predictable.
[ Kidman ]: Not so. The lion set an army against the witch, but knew they couldn't defeat her.
[ Carmen ]: Violence begets violence.
[ Kidman ]: No one else suspected.
[ Patty-Larceny ]: I sooo gotta go re read that series
[ Patty-Larceny ]: oh wait
[ Kidman ]: He intended to be the one all along.
[ Patty-Larceny ]: can I just watch the movie?
[ Kidman ]: Yes, it adds to the scary factor.
[ Kidman ]: He'll send ACME, the children, he'll feign loss, but it's all part of a plan.
[ Patty-Larceny ]: hmmm
[ Kidman ]: grows steadily more angry.
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Never thought of it that way
[ Scarlet ]: adds another cube of ice to her glass of orange juice...
[ Kidman ]: The lion was supposed to be the epitome of GOOD.
[ Scarlet ]: (I'm really enjoying how you're twisting this around, Kidman. It's very good.)
[ Carmen ]: I'm surmising that you don't agree with the Lion's actions?
[ Patty-Larceny ]: She's right, y'know.
[ Kidman ]: And he killed her. He put those children in harms way for nothing.
[ Patty-Larceny ]: If we think of it that way, it's total entrapment.
[ Kidman ]: (oh you have no idea. http://www.flickr.com/photos/handmaiden_phi/3325668443/in/set-72157594147867095)
[ Scarlet ]: (Your pencil work is very nice indeed.)
[ Carmen ]: Mm, if we assume he lured the White Witch, then he did it astoundingly.
[ Carmen ]: Giving her exactly what she wanted.
[ Kidman ]: It is not a matter of guessing.
[ Patty-Larceny ]: You think Chase can do that?
[ Carmen ]: Chase can't fathom what I want.
[ Kidman ]: In the first book, Magician's Nephew, the witch comes to Narnia but he does nothing of it.
[ Kidman ]: He lets her go. And leaves Narnia for 1,000 years.
[ Kidman ]: He ALLOWS her free reign
[ Kidman ]: For this simple reason;
[ Patty-Larceny ]: is listening intently
[ Kidman ]: You can't be a hero if you have no enemy to defeat.
[ Patty-Larceny ]: =intently
[ Kidman ]: leans against wall, exhausted.
[ Carmen ]: *smiles*
[ Carmen ]: That's enough presuming for one day, yes?
[ Kidman ]: tries to hide tears.
[ Kidman ]: Yes....
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Awww *huggles*
[ Patty-Larceny ]: You don't worry about Chase, Kiddy.
[ Patty-Larceny ]: He wouldn't hurt Carmen.
[ Kidman ]: He'll lock her away, all of us away... for glory....
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Me and Eartha thinks he kind've likes her.
[ Kidman ]: or revenge...
[ Carmen ]: *Laughs* There's a fine line between love and hate, I'm sure.
[ Kidman ]: As has been demonstrated tonight, one person's 'non-lethal' is another man's 'lethal'.
[ Patty-Larceny ]: That reminds.... this whole tower thing wasn't it Eugene whispering in to Chase's ear?
[ Carmen ]: It may seem so.
[ Carmen ]: Of course, any idea acquired within ACME seems to point to Chase, sooner or later.
[ Carmen ]: Eugene Grovington may be his advisor, but Chase does take the role of the deciding King.
[ Patty-Larceny ]: (I kinda like that metaphor)
[ Patty-Larceny ]: When I heard they were going to blow up ACME tower, I was like, NO WAY they're going through with it.
[ Kidman ]: Don't think for a moment that they don't know what imprisonment would do to Carmen. It won't matter. What matters is winning the game, and who is leading that team.
[ Kidman ]: Whatever it takes...
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Lulz, maybe Chase wants to reform Carmen. I think he said something like that before
[ Carmen ]: Did he? I didn't think he openly admitted to it.
[ Kidman ]: Insult to injury.
[ Patty-Larceny ]: No, but it was prolly OOC, or somethin
[ Carmen ]: Ah, then that doesn't count.
[ Patty-Larceny ]: lulz
[ Carmen ]: That man says a lot of things out while of character.
[ Kidman ]: Carmen... when you got caught in Hawaii during that luck theme....
[ Kidman ]: Do you remember?
[ Patty-Larceny ]: That had to have been a double
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Carmen's never been caught in this universe. :)
[ Kidman ]: No? Not even Lee?
[ Carmen ]: (Ah, not even Lee, I'm afraid, we've had to cut that out)
[ Carmen ]: (It's also because I wasn't well versed in the animated series. I do apologise.)
[ Kidman ]: (Well, I'm quite alright with that.:) )
[ Patty-Larceny ]: lulz
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Me too!
[ Carmen ]: (*Laughs* Thank you.)
[ Patty-Larceny ]: So for Lee's story, he kinda came in to VILE, then was booted out.
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Now he's angry
[ Kidman ]: (Are you now?)
[ Carmen ]: (I know of what I've read, and what people tell me, yes.)
[ Patty-Larceny ]: For the end of Hiatus, Lee was supposed to do something huge... but his writer sort of skimped out
[ Carmen ]: Lee's writer wanted to continue into the next RP, I believe.
[ Kidman ]: You truly should watch it, if just the 'Boyhood's End' episodes.
[ Carmen ]: He's not yet confident enough to lead a story on his own.
[ Kidman ]: Those were defining scenes for me.
[ Carmen ]: (I believe I've seen some episodes over youtube, I will review, of course.)
[ Patty-Larceny ]: I saw them! :D
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Did Lee catch Carmen in Hawaii?
[ Kidman ]: Zack did, actually.
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Then what happened?
[ Kidman ]: Carmen escaped, I assume before prison. It was off-screen.
[ Kidman ]: What was unsettling was how cavalier Zack and Ivy were about it.
[ Patty-Larceny ]: They're ACME, they're like that
[ Kidman ]: They didn't go with Carmen to the station, or visit her, or anything. They went out and partied.
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Lulz
[ Patty-Larceny ]: I'm wondering what Chase would do if he arrested Carmen?
[ Kidman ]: You would have thought after all that time, they'd have wanted more closure than that. That she was worth more than that.
[ Kidman ]: But the truth is, over all, it's about winning.
[ Carmen ]: *Laughs* I'm sure there are limitations to what can be animated, or the stories that would appeal to a general audience.
[ Kidman ]: Then again, I'm a rather emotional sort.....
[ Kidman ]: If that were true, there would not have been a fourth season.
[ Scarlet ]: Hm...
[ Kidman ]: I would not recommend watching much of it for your sanity, Carmen.
[ Scarlet ]: I will leave further discussion to the domain of VILE now. Take care, all of you.
[ Carmen ]: You are understandably emotional.
[ Carmen ]: pets Kidman at the back of her head.
[ Carmen ]: Be well, Doctor.
[ Carmen ]: Will we see you this evening?
[ Kidman ]: Good night....
[ Scarlet ]: (Mm, yes, I've been counted to be on. :) )
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Luv ya, Doc! *huggles*
[Neutral Grounds]: Scarlet has left at 9:06 am
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Now what do we do?
[ Carmen ]: We wait.
[ Kidman ]: is somewhat jealous of Patty's happiness.
[ Carmen ]: I'm counting on the doctor to inform their Field Director.
[ Kidman ]: I'll... do whatever I can, Carmen...
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Why didn't you just tell Euge and Deric?
[ Carmen ]: No, it has to be Sophie Conrad.
[ Kidman ]: I would assume such things require subtly
[ Carmen ]: Eugene and Deric have the tendency to spin my words.
[ Carmen ]: Yes.
[ Kidman ]: fights intense urge to hug Carmen.
[ Carmen ]: Chase is more suggestible when the message is subtle.
[ Patty-Larceny ]: (Hugs are easy!)
[ Kidman ]: Is Sara Nade still with us? She seems good at protecting you.
[ Carmen ]: Mm, she's in Brazil, and she may play a role regarding Vic's escape.
[ Carmen ]: Yes, hugs are undoubtedly easy.
[ Carmen ]: Open your arms and you may have one.
[ Kidman ]: does so and cries.
[ Carmen ]: holds Kidman
[ Carmen ]: I pray those are happy tears.
[ Patty-Larceny ]: *sniffs a little*
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Aww, you guys!
[ Patty-Larceny ]: *group hug!!*
[ Kidman ]: ...of exhaustion, fear....but it's good...to bleed those things out like this.
[ Kidman ]: :heart:
[ Kidman ]: Carmen, Patty... thank you.
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Crying's good
[ Carmen ]: hands the girl a handkerchief.
[ Kidman ]: I should, I should probably sleep now. It's so late...
[ Carmen ]: Mm, it must be 4 or 5 a.m. where you are.
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Kiddy's cute.
[ Carmen ]: Poor thing.
[ Kidman ]: It was worth it.
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Why did you want Chase to know about kiddy?
[ Carmen ]: Not Chase, but his narrator.
[ Carmen ]: We do need his cooperation, after all.
[ Carmen ]: Of course, he can't know everything.
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Ahhh gotcha
[ Patty-Larceny ]: I gotta sleep too
[ Patty-Larceny ]: it's like 3 AM for me
[ Kidman ]: Goodnight, loves... When should we meet again?
[ Carmen ]: Rest, both of you.
[ Carmen ]: There's a scheduled chat tomorrow morning (for you).
[ Carmen ]: Perhaps... 10 a.m.?
[ Patty-Larceny ]: lulz I'll try make it! g'night!
[ Kidman ]: EST?
[ Carmen ]: Yes, EST
[ Patty-Larceny ]: *hugs Carmen*
[ Patty-Larceny ]: *hugs Kidman*
[ Kidman ]: I'll be there.
[ Carmen ]: Be well, dear.
[Neutral Grounds]: Patty-Larceny has left at 9:22 am
[ Carmen ]: I'm glad you're hear, darling.
[ Carmen ]: You must be exhausted.
[ Kidman ]: Thank you for this.
[ Carmen ]: (*here, excuse me)
[ Carmen ]: Thank you as well.
[ Carmen ]: You're fitting in swimmingly.
[ Kidman ]: I was never able to save the witch. Perhaps this is a second chance.
[ Carmen ]: *Laughs* With some luck, I may not need saving.
[ Kidman ]: Swimmingly! That's a phrase I love.
[ Carmen ]: Rest now.
[ Carmen ]: We'll see each other soon.
[ Kidman ]: Cheers, love.
[ Carmen ]: Mm, cheers.
[Neutral Grounds]: Carmen has left at 9:25 am