11:46 Chase: You've been invited to this chat room!
 Sophie has joined
11:47 Sophie: Hello everyone.
 Ivy: Hey!
 me: Hey mates!
  On the edge of a post
 Eugene has joined
 Eugene: Hello everyone.
 Pru: Greetings
11:47 Chase: Adrianna posted, if anyone missed it.
11:48 Eugene: I noticed. Reading now.
 me: I saw!
 Pru: Thoroughly enjoyed.
11:49 Adrianna: Ah hello everyone.
  ...I just realized that the top of my post was missing a few sentences.
 Chase: What? Missing words?
  Go fix it.
 Eugene: /me facepalms
11:50 Adrianna: You do like giving orders, don't you director?
 me: /me takes a breath, posts
 Ivy: Nice! Posts
 Pru: Another post tonight?
11:51 Ivy: /me refreshes
11:53 Eugene: You have an odd gap at the bottom of your post, but other than that, very nice.
 Ivy: Latin?
 Pru: Mm, bene scriptas
 me: Aye.
 Ivy: Translation?
 me: All who pass beneath my hands shall live
11:54 Chase: sophos
  I was wondering on Latin gramar, do we captitalize and punctuate?
 Pru: There are no punctuations in Latin.
11:55 But as speakers of English, it's fine to capitalise and add a fullstop.
11:56 Chase: Right, back to Virgil.
 me: /me deletes giant gap
 Ivy: ...is everyone learning Latin?
11:57 me: I actually took Latin in college, but I don't remember most of it.
 Ivy: Yeah?
 me: I was being crafty.
 Chase: I'm liking Latin a lot.
 me: You don't have to learn to speak it, but it still counts as a language
11:58 Pru: Yes, most say it's a dead language... but English speakers use Latin frequently, they simply don't know it.
 Ivy: /me is still learning the right way to speak English
11:59 Adrianna: Excellent post Kidman. Very introspective.
 Chase: Semper Fidelis
  Yeah, introspective, nicely done.
 Eugene: Semper Gumby
12:00 Chase: You know Gumby?
 Pru: We're speaking of the same Gumby?
 Eugene: It's bastard Latin, but yeah.
 me: Thank you, love.:-)
12:01 Chase: I just hitched on Adrianna's comment.
 me: It was a hard one to write out.
 Chase: I promise my next comment will be more original.
 Ivy: It might be a challenge going with the medical team.
  But I'm looking forward to seeing those interactions.
 Chase: Time to test your engagement intelligence.
12:02 Adrianna: I as well.
 Pru: Is this a way to measure something... yet again?
12:02 me: What's that?
 Chase: /me gets out his measuring stick.
 Adrianna: I'm starting to like having a bird's eye view of the going ons at Tourn Zamok.

12:03 Chase: If your post makes other people want to post, then you level up your Group Writing skills.
 Pru: Ah, so here we are.
 Sophie: Give Eugene a level-up, please.
 Eugene: What?
12:04 Sophie: I still owe him a post.
 Adrianna: Yes, indeed.
 Chase: Until you post, he won't get a level up.
 Ivy: He did decide to crash a helicopter, props for that.
 Pru: How do you plan to measure?
12:05 Chase: Easy, if an element in your post gets mentioned repeatedly, then it's a score.
 me: Did anyone mourn the death of the helicopter?
 Eugene: Seems like a system that would be easy to abuse.
 Chase: For example, Vic's post mentions Euge's helicopter crash -- so that means Euge's posts has 1 layer of propagation.
12:06 Eugene: There will be time for that later Kidman.
 Ivy: ooh, post theory
 me: Because I did
 Chase: Anyone quoting anything from a previous post propagates that post by 1.
 Sophie: . . .
12:07 Pru: Now that you've brought math into this, I'm intrigued.
 Chase: It's a "point of interest"
  People pick up on or quote things that are interesting.
 Eugene: /me gets out his slide rule
12:08 Ivy: /me wonders why the boys keep measuring devices with them at all times
 Chase: You can write a huge explosion, and if it's badly done... no one propagates it -- or few people do -- then you get no point
 me: /me realizes she is at a huge disadvantage with this measuring system.
 Chase: There's no disadvantage, you start out with equal chances to propagate anything.
12:09 Chase: Kidman's idea to put a laptop with false info in Antarctica gets propagated -- those are points.
  Any idea is fair game.
 Pru: There's no real way of keeping points?
 me: But you have to get everyone on board first, yes?
12:10 Ivy: That's an interesting rule set.
 Chase: No, you don't.
 Deric has joined
 Chase: Hey Storm
 Deric: greetintgs all
 Eugene: Hey Deric
 me: /me throws a Roc into chat
 Adrianna: Hello Mr. Storm.
 Chase: We're talking about a new way to look at posts.
 Deric: exxcuse me, "throw"
 Ivy: Hey Deric
 Deric: /me looks at Kidman's small stature
12:11 Sophie: Hello, Detective.
12:11 Deric: howdy, Pip
 me: ...It was a pun.;-)
 Chase: Punny
12:12 Ivy: Hey Storm.
  I already said Hi
 Chase: Jinxing yourself doesn't unlock any achievement.
 Ivy: No, my brain is a little cross-wired
12:14 Deric: a little?
 me: Lots of posts, Roc
 Ivy: Yeah, quite a few posts.
12:15 me: And Jade is doing little journal entries!
  /me is so proud
 Deric: yeah...
 Chase: Padphone
 Eugene: ...
 Chase: padphone
  my kingdom for a padphone
12:16 Ivy: Hey, it's a thing!
 Chase: Asus or Acer?
 Eugene: Stop repeating it.
 me: If you say 'padphone' three times, does it appear and kill you?
12:16 Deric: no, but someone may smack you with one
12:17 Adrianna: I was confused by her latest post.
 Chase: I'm imagining something that looks like a paddle
  Confusion is normal.
  Tell me when you fully understand a Jade post.
 Eugene: Everything involving Jade confuses me.
 Chase: Then we'll celebrate.
12:18 me: ...?
 Pru: Ah, but of course.
 Adrianna: I found her recaps easily understandable.
 me: She got a tablet in the mail telling her that ACME wants to keep in contact.
12:19 Chase: Yep
 me: Seems fairly straight forward
12:20 Chase: But as far as ACME knows... we don't have a padphone.
  That's why it's confusing.
  But it's ok
 Eugene: Underhanded VILE recruiting effort?
12:21 Pru: That's somewhat very underhanded, even for VILE.
 Chase: I think it's nice Jade gets to write her own little story.
12:22 Ivy: She has more time to think things through before posting. It works out better than chat.
 Chase: Yeah
  And it sort of gives a little insight into how her mind works.
 Pru: You like figuring things out, I see.
12:23 Chase: It's the artistic side of me that wants to communicate without using words.
 Ivy: Speaking of which, nice Carmen picture
  the new painting.
  Very pop-art
 Pru: Yes, that phrase somehow brought up the recent image for me as well.
12:24 Pru: Well done on the primary colours.
  Your 'visual intelligence' never ceases to amaze me.
 Chase: Visual intelligence -- nice, can I use it?
 Pru: It's not my term, it's an official term.
12:25 Eugene: Sounds like a yes to me.
 Chase: Even better.
12:27 Chase: /me writes down "I has visual intelligence"
 Sophie: Have.
12:28 Chase: Hey, visual -- not grammatical.
 Eugene: Heh
 Ivy: ha
 Sophie: That's why you need me, the doctor.
  Especially considering your risk of getting shot.
 Deric: risk?
12:29 i'd go with "certainty"
 me: You can get shot for grammar?
 Pru: Yes, who did the risk analysis for this mission?
 Deric: /me points at kidman
 Eugene: /me jams his thumb at Chase
 Chase: /me points at Ivy.
 me: ?
 Ivy: !
12:30 Everyone got that presentation about the risks right?
  Gunshots is only at 12%
  Gunnar made the charts and everything.
 me: I don't know about the rest of you, sed omnes qui transit sub meas manus vivet.
12:30 Eugene: What's the other 88%?
12:31 Ivy: Shrapnel, helicopter crash, blunt force trauma...
 me: Cold
 Eugene: /me may have deleted that email
12:32 Chase: Also laughter -- there was a 0.03% chance of death by excessive laughter.
 Eugene: I think its safe to say the gunshot risk factor has gone up.
 me: Heh
  You could trip and sprain an ankle
 Ivy: Yeah.
12:33 me: Slip in the bathtub.
 Ivy: We won't really be showering.
 Deric: piss of your in-laws
 me: ...
 Ivy: ...
 Chase: ...
 me: /me read that wrong at first
 Eugene: I think that's a problem unique to you Storm.
 Sophie: LOL
12:34 Eugene: Did you elope?
 Deric: i'm irish, i'm not stupid
 Chase: Was going to ask, when did it become official?
  Does Cali know?
 Deric: it's a bloody joke
 Ivy: They're already in-laws to him, he's just that serious.
  Leave it at that.
12:34 Deric: do not say "elope" around me
12:35 i get a sudden overwhelming sense of fear and dread at that word
 Chase: Now that I think about it, I don't really like that word either.
  For different reasons.
 me: Reminds me of envelop
 Eugene: ...
12:36 me: Like an amoeba
12:37 Chase: ...
12:38 Eugene: /me seems to have lost the thread of this conversation
 Adrianna: Why does everyone think marriage is such a dreadful thing?
12:39 Chase: /me ...
 me: /me realizes the idea of marriage has never even shown up on her radar
12:40 Sophie: /me has to leave now...
  Work in a few hours.
  Good night, everyone.
 Ivy: Bye Sophie
 Adrianna: Farewell Sophie
 me: Night mate!
 Eugene: Bye Sophie.
 Chase: Night
 Sophie has joined
12:41 Chase: Casualty
12:41 Chase: Who's next?
 Adrianna: I should go.
  I will be back for your Friday Flash Chat.
 Chase: You should, after mentioning the "m" word...
12:42 me: Night, love.:-)
 Chase: Heh
 Adrianna: Seems that's the word that tends to but ACME into shock.
 Chase: Have a good one.
 Ivy: Bye Adrianna
 Pru: Do be well.
 Eugene: Bye Adrianna.
 Adrianna has joined
12:43 Chase: And that's two.
 me: Are you encouraging people to leave?
12:44 Chase: Yes
 Ivy: why?
  why would you do that?
 Chase: Why not?
  I could either say yes or no.
  I went with the more interesting answer.
12:45 me: That's some good leadership right there.
 Pru: Mm, at least he keeps it interesting.
 Eugene: That is pitiful justification for your answer.
12:46 Chase: (I got booted again)
 Deric: i'm surprised he didn't say "because i'm the boss, that's why :P"
 Ivy: You seem onkay to me
12:47 Chase: This has to be the mac...))
  Heh heh
 Deric: (bleh, the vile fruit)
 Chase: "because I'm boss" is followed by a square face.
 me: VILE fruit is the best fruit
 Ivy: ha
 Chase: To VILE
12:48 Not to ACME.
  I don't even know what it does to ACME...
12:48 Eugene: I volunteer you to find out.
 me: Probably gives you powers like in One Piece
 Chase: Like in what?
 Deric: easy there luffy
 Ivy: one piece?
  oh, I read that wrong.
 Deric: it's an anime/manga
12:49 me: As expected, Roc gets the ref.;-)
 Ivy: No, I read it as "The One Piece" which made me think of the one ring...
 Deric: basically it's reed richards meets pirates of the caribbean
 Chase: I read that as a one piece bathing suit.
 me: ...
  Of course you did.
 Pru: I'm not surprised.
12:50 Ivy: Nor am I
 Deric: was it a red bathing suit?
12:51 Chase: ...
12:51 Chase: Can color blindness be self-inflicted?
 Eugene: Put the spoon down Chase.
 Pru: You can take the "VILE Fruit" and find out...
12:52 Chase: ...
  Hey look, I'm already holding a spoon.
 Ivy: ha
12:53 Those posts are really rolling in...
  hope we can keep this momentum up.
 Pru: I've a finished post.
12:54 me: WAT?
 Pru: It'll go up after some minor editing tomorrow.
 me: :D
 Ivy: Yes!
 Eugene: So its open season for action posts again?
 Pru: And there's also a narrative post from the point of views of Barber and Lancaster.
  Chase is editing that, yes?
12:55 Chase: Etiam
 Ivy: /me thinks she needs to learn Latin to understand 20% of this chat
12:56 Chase: minime, you don't.
 Pru: /me laughs.
 Eugene: /me facepalms
12:57 Ivy: ...
 Chase: Gunnar, Nev, Dan, Deric, and Nace have posts coming too?
12:59 Ivy: So I've heard.

12:59 me: Didn't Roc just post?
 Eugene: I caught Dan online briefly last night. He said he was working on a joint post of some sort.
 me: You going to bat already?
 Ivy: Yeah, but he's also leading Delta into the raid.
13:00 Chase: Nice
  I heard from Nev something's coming with him and Dan.
 Pru: "Something rookie this way comes"?
 Ivy: I got a post in the works, following Euge in.
13:01 me: How did we get from Lenino to TZ?
 Chase: ...
  Did you read Euge's post?
13:02 You were flown via CE-880 an advanced stealth helicopter.
 me: Even med team?
 Chase: Yes
 Ivy: yep
 me: Neat!
 Chase: And while being flown, one of the helicopters were shot down.
13:03 Ivy's team is now on the ground and inside TZ.
 me: Did anyone get hurt?
13:03 Chase: It's open.
 me: /me has been working on her 'majick'
13:04 Obviously I couldn't work on people, so plants sufficed.
13:05 Deric: Dan, Nev, and Gunnar were invited into a joint post with me and Nace last night
 Chase: Right, that sounds good.
 Ivy: I barely caught Gunnar online today.
 me: Sweet!
13:07 Chase: Action posts
  I like them.
 Ivy: They lead places.
 Pru: That they do.
13:09 Eugene: Less talking, more moving.
 Chase: No need for long posts.
 me: Any ideas on how I can get in on this action?
 Eugene: In what way?
13:10 Chase: Yeah, there's always going to be something open.
 Ivy: Just make sure you place yourself in TZ.
 Chase: Choose your storyline, and pick up on things.
 Ivy: Action will find you!
 Pru: Funny, they say the same about trouble.
 me: I think I'm supposed to stay with my team.;-p
13:11 Ivy: Action will find your team...
 me: /me is ready for said action
13:12 Eugene: Trouble, action...
  Really the same thing in the end.
13:13 Chase: Remember, we wrote a good story for Auld Lang Syne just so we can play it by ear in Seraphim.
13:14 Ivy: That was the plan?
13:15 Deric: we had a plan?
 Pru: A rather sound plan, it seems.
 Chase: Sound as any.
13:15 Chase: That's how we can play by "ear"...
  Because of the sound.
  Get it?
13:16 Pru: /me laughs.
  Okay, stop.
 Chase: heh heh
13:18 ...
  Right, I have a 'funny story'
  Today, earlier during lunch...
 Ivy: tell
 Chase: We were going through famous personalities for consideration for the London office.
  Because they make final decision on celebrity endorsement.
13:19 And they were talking about Grey Goose and how somebody lost the "World's most beautiful woman" to GG last year.
13:20 I had in mind a few faces, so I asked them who Grey Goose sponsored.
  And my guy acted really surprised and said -- Don't you know? Carmen!
13:20 Chase: And...
 Deric: :-o
 Ivy: !
13:21 Eugene: ...
 Pru: /me laughs
 Chase: You know... I... I couldn't say I didn't know...
  Because... I'm supposed to know.
  So I played along.
 Ivy: go on
  please go on...
13:22 Chase: So I said "Yeah, sure... her."
 me: That narrows it down.
 Chase: Then somebody said "Yeah, she walked for Norisol Ferrari just last Sept."
13:23 Somebody else said "She was on the cover of Vogue 3 seasons in a row."
  And I felt like an idiot.
  Who was this Carmen?
 Pru: /me laughs.
  Norisol Ferrari?
13:23 Pru: Spring 2013, New York Fashion Week?
13:24 Chase: ...
 me: Who in the world is Carmen Sandiego?
 Chase: You know?
 Pru: Please, continue.
 Eugene: /me double facepalms and tries not to laugh
13:25 Chase: Anyway... Finally, somebody saves me by saying "For an 81 year-old, she's still really hot."
 Pru: Yes!
 me: AH!
 Chase: And so it clicked.
 me: That Carmen!
 Eugene: Heh
 me: That woman is eternal
 Chase: Carmen Dell'Orefice
 Ivy: /me googles
13:26 Chase: She was also originally my 'voice' for Barbara Rosen.
 Deric: reminds me a little of cruella de'vil
 Pru: She's brilliant.
 Ivy: She is beautiful though.
 Pru: She is, it's amazing to see her first few photographs in comparison to the most recent ones.
13:27 me: I remember finding her in my youths while looking for CS pics
  Decided that she was Carmen from the future
13:28 Pru: /me laughs.
13:28 Pru: I saw her in "Pourquoi Pas?"
13:29 A rare French publication by David Downton.
13:30 Chase: Nice
  David Downton's a god in his own right.
13:31 Nobody does what he paints anymore.
13:31 Chase: Anyway... that was my weekly brush with the TECS and real life...
 Ivy: weekly eh?
  I sometimes feel it's a bit more common than that.
 Eugene: Good you can schedule it like that.
13:32 Pru: Sounds ideal.
 Chase: They say "you are what you eat" I guess you can be sort of what you RP as well...
13:33 Pru: Do you eat anything special that the rest of us are not?
 Chase: ...
 me: I believe robots eat motor oil or something
 Chase: I have a smoked salmon sandwich for lunch every day.
13:34 It saves my decision-making time by a few minutes a day.
  And results in 9 saved days per year.
 Ivy: ...
 Pru: /me laughs.
 Ivy: wait, how many minutes does it save you again?
 Eugene: At the cost of your sanity.
 Ivy: each day?
 Pru: This is too funny.
13:35 Chase: Saves about 5 to 15 minutes depending on the time it takes for my assistant to order.
  So now instead of asking where and what I want... she knows instantly.
 me: Doesn't that boring after a while?
13:36 Ivy: This is Chase we speak of.
 Chase: And I have a smoked salmon sandwich waiting on my desk every lunchtime.
 Ivy: I couldn't do that...
 Pru: It can't possibly be boring if it gives him nine additional days per year.
 me: Couldn't you have a weekly schedule?
 Ivy: One, I have no secretary...
  two, I couldn't trust another person with my lunch order.
13:37 Pru: Mm, it's a chore at times, lunch.
13:38 Chase: Weekly schedule? Why?
  I like counting on consistency.
 me: For variety...?
 Chase: ...?
 Eugene: My lunch usually consists of a mountain dew and candy bar, so I can somewhat understand his position.
 Pru: I'm going to save you some time, dear, and say you can't reason 'variety' with Chase.
13:39 Chase: Exactly.
13:39 Chase: Though... Euge, that's really unhealthy.
 me: But he works for a luxury company!
 Chase: You need some kind of salad to balance it out.
 me: /me finds this paradox interesting
 Eugene: My job demands the might of sugar and caffeine.
13:40 me: I was once a rootbeer and payday person
  For almost two years
 Chase: Rootbeer and payday? The candybar?
 Eugene: As a note, the above few lines are completely OOC))
 me: Yep
  Same here))
 Chase: Yeah, I'm OOC too on that))
  Though, I think this is something I'll give Chase too... for consistency))
13:41 Pru: I suppose we should be thankful Chase at least eats lunch.
 me: Do you go into shock if you have to eat something else?
13:42 Chase: No
  I just don't enjoy it as much.
  Sometimes, they bring something different... like a steak sandwich.
  Or pulled pork.
  Depending on what the deli has that's fresh.
13:43 Eugene: How could you not enjoy those?
 Chase: But it drives me nuts...
 me: (I had a proff that ate an apple everyday. One day he couldn't get one and had a banana instead. He was very unhappy)
 Chase: Because it takes me more time to eat them.
 Pru: Why do I have the feeling you'll give us numbers now?
13:44 Chase: ...
  I can finish a smoked salmon sandwich in 7 minutes providing it's dry.
  Steak sandwiches are larger, so it might take me 10-12 minutes.
  And pulled pork gets everywhere... so that could take me up to 15 minutes.
 me: I can imagine you commanding your secretary to time you
13:45 Chase: No need, I have a timer on my phone...
  It's one of my speed dial shortcuts.
 Eugene: Do you drink anything, or just have the sandwich straight?
13:46 Pru: This is where the phrase "Prudence laughs" is not applicable to explain the full range of laughter I'm having.
 Chase: I drink water -- no ice.
  Ice slows me down.
 Eugene: /me braces for more factoids
 Ivy: (okay, I hate you guys I had to go and make a sandwich)
13:47 Pru: Why is this man's life not a situation comedy by now?
 Chase: ...
 Eugene: It isn't?
 Pru: You're a character.
13:47 Chase: It is?
13:48 /me checks for cameras...
 Pru: What are you eating, Ivy?
 Ivy: (uh, just white bread and slices of ham.)
13:49 (It was spur of the moment.)
 Chase: Sounds nice
  It should take you about 19 minutes max to finish that while chatting.
 Eugene: /me facepalms
 Ivy: ...
13:50 Eugene: Maybe Chase isn't the one that should be checking for cameras.
 Chase: Heh heh
  Wait, what does that mean?
 Deric: you're a voyeur
 me: Heh
13:51 Ivy: What does this count as though?
  Sandwich porn?
 Eugene: ...
13:52 Chase: Average sized sandwich, right? And just ham?
 Ivy: /me has never felt this self conscious eating alone before
 me: Chase calculates volume
13:53 Pru: Chase has the oddest notion of things...
 Chase: At least I'm aware of them.
 Pru: No, not always.
 Deric: Ivy, that reminds me of a joke that was said around the time i first got here
13:53 Ivy: oh?
 Deric: it was liz, pippi, and someone else talking about chore porn
13:54 Ivy: What's chore porn?
 Eugene: And food flirting.
 Chase: What's chore what?
 Deric: i think it was in reference to me and another male player talking about how e were cleaning whil chatting or something like that
 Chase: That sounds like an entirely different genre of cooking shows.
13:55 Ivy: ha
13:56 Pru: What entails this?
  "Chore porn"?
 Ivy: wait, chore porn is just actual porn?
 Chase: Something you don't know?
 Pru: I'm not well versed on the matter of pornography, I'll have to admit.
13:57 me: Mommy porn I believe it's called?
 Chase: Right... because no one here is... either.
  Mommy porn sounds wrong on so many levels.
13:58 Eugene: This conversation took a weird turn.
  I'm not sure if I want to blame Chase or Deric for it.
 me: http://www.amazon.com/Women-Cambridge-Womens-Pornography-Cooperative/dp/0811855511
13:59 Chase: ...
  "Give the fairer sex what they really wantbeautiful PG photos of hunky men cooking, listening, asking for directions, accompanied by steamy captions: "I love a clean house!" or "As long as I have two legs to walk on, you'll never take out the trash." "
 me: Yep
 Eugene: ...
 me: women.
 Pru: /me laughs.
14:00 Is this popular?
 Chase: Must be?
 Ivy: Huh...
14:01 Pru: I don't understand.
 Chase: It's ok.
  I don't either.
14:01 me: From Cambridge
  So you know it's legit.
 Ivy: ...my horse was from Cambridge.
14:02 I don't trust his book recommendations
 me: LOL!
 Pru: /me laughs.
  I'm with Ivy on this.
 Chase: "The Cambridge Women's Pornography Cooperative asked women, young, old, rich, and poor, "What really, really gets you hot?" Armed with their findings, they worked day and night to create Porn for Women."
14:03 me: /me is so glad she opted out of gender
14:03 Pru: They may be asking the wrong questions.
14:04 Eugene: i dont understnad
 me: /me tries to picture Chase with a dust mop
  ... Not feeling it.
 Eugene: Damn it, this is so strange its screwing with my typing.
14:05 Chase: First off, I'm a lot more organized than a lot of the women I've dated. -- so I don't know what this whole thing is really about.
 Ivy: No, I get it. Men who know how to cook are way hot.
14:06 Eugene: That would tend to happen, being in a kitchen.
 me: You see, a woman's job is to do chores, but they don't want to, so when men do chores = good.
  It's basic knowledge.
14:07 Chase: But the question... "What really gets you hot?" -- the answer can't be just "My man doing chores."
 Ivy: /me just got Euge's joke and laughs
 me: ... I was being facetious.;-)
14:08 Ivy: Hmm...
  I'm sure they choose the most easily photographed answers.
 Pru: I'm sure it's satire.
 Chase: Yeah
  Has to be.
14:09 right
14:10 Eugene: /me isn't so sure
 me: I got a Jademail!
  Jade to Kidman (2013-02-28 09:49):
Kidman I translate what you said in Latin it means All that under passes my hands live...there's two songs that I know..1. the song 'Hands' by Jewel and 2. the Rose by Bette Midler it reminds me of your master...cheer up everybody will find your master.

14:11 Pru: That's interesting from Jade, she does her research, no matter how trivial.
 Ivy: Yeah, not bad.
 Chase: Joe Kerr does it too.
14:12 me: Will you just let her have this?
  Crazy Chase...;-)
 Chase: /me chuckles
 Ivy: ha
14:13 Pru: (It seems I need to leave now, thank you for your time, I'll see you tomorrow for FFC.)
 Chase: Yep FFC
14:14 Take care
 Eugene: Bye Carmen
 Ivy: Bye Carmen.
 Pru: Be well, tonight was endearing.
 Pru has joined
 Chase: Heh
14:16 Ivy: I think that was for you.
 me: Awww, missed her
  I'm off too
 Chase: I'll take it.
 Eugene: You've been bestowed with another title.
  Later Kidman.
 Chase: Bye Kid.
 Ivy: Bye Kidman