Wire Rimmed Glasses - Eleanor

It wasn't often that Melissa 'Missy' Wayward got the opportunity to work at her desk. Most who knew her through her grease covered volunteer position in the agency's garages forgot or never even knew that she was training to be a special agent. But she knew. Who and what she wanted to be never left her psyche. So there she sat, at her desk at 11:30 at night, the light of her office an oddity among the darkened rooms along the rest of the hallway. From behind her chair a radio played softly on a local rock station. There was nothing particularly memorable about the songs, it was really more there for some sort of background noise to cut through the silence that would only be broken occasionally by the sounds of the nighttime cleaning crew coming to empty waste paper baskets and properly dispose of classified information.

Her elbow leaned on the desk as the other hand worked a mouse and keyboard, her eyes scanning over words upon words of a report she'd promised to have ready by tomorrow morning. Fighting fatigue and itchy eyes Missy finally reached the end of her report and, content with her editting, submitted it to those who had requested it via ACME's heavily secured intranet. With a loud groan she stretched upward in her seat, one arm grabbing the other and pulling it to the side before repeating the process in the other direction.

"Time for bed." she groaned to herself, her hand taking the mouse to close down her intraoffice messaging system. As the larger window closed she was left looking at another page.

A dossier. The dossier of an agent on personal leave to be exact. Missy placed her chin back onto her open hand and read over the information with a small smile. The agent in question was young but well decorated. She'd started work in the Boston branch of ACME before transferring to the San Francisco branch. After a number of cases an offer had opened to become a case director back in the Boston branch which she accepted. That was 7 months ago. Said agent took a leave of absence quickly after with no noted date of return. Missy's mouse clicked on a sidebar, opening a picture. Auburn haired female with blue eyes hiding behind a pair of gold wirerimmed glasses. Her name was Eleanor Ma-

Before she could continue her reading a voice came from the doorway and she clicked on the X in the upper right hand corner of the window, removing the access to ACME's dossiers. Missy looked up and sighed. A janitor.

"You scared me half to death." she said softly, her hand over her heart. The janitor, an elderly gent, smiled and chuckled, offering his apologies. Waving it off Missy closed down her computer, waiting for him to empty her waste paper bucket before turning off the lights and locking up her office for the night.

It was time for her to go to bed anyway. She was due in the garage at 8 tomorrow morning and her contacts were itching her anyway. Slowly she made her way to her apartment on the 4th floor of ACME's dorms, wishing the security and cleaning crew she saw on her way up a fond goodnight before locking herself in her room. Within moments she was at the bathroom mirror to wash the grease from her face and remove her itchy contacts, the amber colored lenses revealing a pair of blue irises beneath. Once done with her nightly ritual she reached into a toiletries box in the bathroom closet where she hid a pair of gold wire rimmed glasses.

Missy looked at herself in the mirror, a small smile left to linger on her face.

[ I apologize in advance for any errors in this.  I'll fix anything wrong with it tomorrow, I promise.  :)  ]