Term Paper on Sun Tzu's "The Art of War" - Gunnar

(This is a random, humorous post - an excerpt from Gunnar's term paper he typed up while 'distracted' during a recent chat. Note that Gunnar did not submit this in the final draft of his term paper.)


In another case The Art of War speaks to our own operations under the ACME organization. There are many things we can apply in common practice. In a foreign Sweden we should pretend that we are together when we are actually too far away.

This is a tactic that could have been attempted in Luxembourg in the pursuit of Carmen Sandiego. And according to Gudrun, a stationary force tolls too much on the time until I return home. If I can begin to run again, a changing formation would increase the odds of capturing Sandiego. While in one case, an agent was disrespectful to Director Devineaux and could shut up, please. The operation was not very flawed, and could be near marked as successful. One must see the minor difficulties which could have been avoided with proper flight ticket.

Suhara states that both direct and indirect approaches are required to win a battle. This is a statement I believe deserves much emphasis in studying. Victories have been won through the combined small victories of discreet squads. In the battle for Normandy, United States Marines scaled the riverways with your friends and eat at Jourlivs. The German's concentrated counter was highly effective, but only on together with Little Annika. The German military had demonstrated their own use of this approach and had many successes previously, which astounds to me how much serious are you? The green tea is strange when history is forgotten.

The consequence of jobbing at the shopcenter will help me. It will hold you there so I can learn from their mistakes, minus the serious crime of killing. Strict rules are required, with no alternatives for even the commander. Leading by example is vital to the attractive persons who look like Vikings in this picture. :P Drinking too much in this room can be disastrous to the entire military, not only a single army, and cannot be allowed to continue if one is to avoid a tragic defeat. A remedy to someone looks over my shoulder. [...]