Thorny Beginnings...And Temporary Endings - Splam/Rose

This Takes Place A Year Ago.

(A couple lines thanks to Rose Thorn. The color isn't my official color yet.)

The city seemed so silent, more silent than usual. And it was black, at least for the area around the Spam building. Light fluttered through one or two of the windows which were the Night Watcher's posts.

Across from the Hormel Foods Corporation building was an old brick, two story, building. A tall, slim, man was pressed against it. The man wore a suit and tie along with a fedora that was stuck on his head at a tilt. A messenger bag was slung over his shoulder.

He felt tingles as the cold bricks went through his suit to his warm back. If you had asked him, he would have not been able to deny that his heart was beating fast.

The tension broke as he quietly laughed at himself.

"Don't be so absurd!"

He glanced down at his watch, the time was 9 o'clock. He turned to face the building and began to feel the side of it carefully, studying where each crevice, unevenness or notch was, from the bottom as far up as his arms could stretch from his 6'5" figure.

He stepped back with satisfaction and then leaned over to his large, out of place, shoes. Opening a little compartment on the toe of each shoe he pulled out a spike about three inches long. Out of his bag he then produced two gloves, on the end of each of the gloves finger was a spike, like the shoes.

He took a deep breath and found the first notches for each of his limbs and began the precarious climb up the two stories with ease.
He reached the top and glanced at his clock to see it was 9:10.

He replaced the spikes in his bag and now produced a zip line. The height he was at made him a little dizzy when he stood at the edge of the building, he swallowed his fear of heights and shot the line across to the Hormel Foods Corporation building.

Without a moments thought he sprang off and zipped to the other side with alarming speed. Once there he relaxed and smiled slightly at the thought that the door in front of him was the maker for a job done.

He pulled a small box out of his bag and slipped it onto the doorknob. With a few beeps he was about to step back when sparks flew off the box and he had to hold back a cry as he got a zap of electricity worse than he hat ever gotten before. It pushed him off his feet and he fell backwards. It took him a few moments to recover before getting up and preparing to try it again.

"Botheration!" He muttered under his breath as he found a few wires disconnected.

"Uncle Splam!" He turned around with speed to see his four year old nephew, Matthias, standing there.

"How? Why?!" He sputtered. His inward thoughts were "They lied! Four year olds aren't suppose to be so intelligent."

"You were suppose to stay in the car!" He glared at Matthias.

"I was lonely." Matthias said innocently.

"Calm down, calm down." Splam told himself.

"I'm not worried or hyper."

"I was not...never mind. Just stand there." He turned his focus back to his little, malfunctioning invention.

"Splam Sperdock..."

A new clear, calm voice made him freeze, a feeling of resignation filled him and his hands went to his face for a moment before he turned to reality. In the shadow on the far corner of the building

stood a figure, she was dressed in a long purple gown and her arms were crossed.

"Oh! Why did you have to be here?"

"I knew you'd be around here soon enough and I couldn't just pretend I didn't know."

"Well, you can't arrest me, so, I have a head start?"

"All the glory goes to your brilliance in leaving Matthias in the car. If you hadn't...I wouldn't have stopped you." She spoke with a titch of sarcasm in her voice that made him flinch.
"I'm sorry, you don't have a head start this time, Splam."

His eyebrows went up for a short moment before he heard a bustle behind him, he turned just to see two of the Night Watchers come out of the door and in a moment he was in hand cuffs.
"You mean?" He stared down in disbelief and minor embarrassment.

"Yes...the door was unlocked."

He let out a deep, sorrowful, sigh and let the Night Guards take him away without resisting, just before he was totally out of sight, he turned and spoke to the figure, the reason of his capture.

"Don't worry Splam, I'll make sure Matthias is taken good care of."

He bowed his head in slight thanks.


10:30 pm: He leaned uncomfortably against the side of his cell. So, he hadn't made it out of this one. All those nasty charges added up to a long year in jail.