The End of the Beginning - Springheeled Jack

March 11th, 2013

Happy birthday to me, in more than one way.  Today marks not only the day of my natural birth, but I have decided that this day shall mark my official birth into the world crime stage.  I have spent time, oh so much time, deciding on a plan.  I have rekindled my father's contacts, checked and doublechecked my information, and know where my targets are and how to claim them.  I've dotted my i's and crossed my t's, as best I can.  I suppose now it's time to see if I can live up to the legend, and if I can live through the legend without losing myself to it.

I've read Mother's message more times than I can count.  Days, nights, any time I feel the temptation to go back to way I was the previous nights.  I've contemplated it, rolled it around in my head, let every possible lesson I can find permeate into my heart.  I don't know if I can hold it together when I'm on the job.  It's more than simply strapping myself into the device.  I'll be goading people, taunting them, pushing myself to the ultimate level.  I'm aware of it, I'm prepared, so I should be ok.  I just don't like having myself be the biggest variable of my plan.  I'm nervous, I admit it freely.  I need to not think about it, so I'll rehash the plan again and again in my mind.

I have stared at pictures of the urn, practiced with the weight.  A good choice, considering its subject matter.  I have studied the museum inside and out.  First floor, near the back.  Stairways or windows are the best access, since they're both right by the display.  It's guaranteed to raise an alarm, but if I move fast I should be alright.  It would actually be beneficial to have a few witnesses when I go.  The trick will be the real target.  Police HQ, records...I know where I'm going, thanks to Pierre and Robert, but it's still a police headquarters.

Enough worrying.  I have to do it, and I have to be certain when I do so.  I was hoping that writing this would steel my resolve, or extra insight, or something.  I'm not getting any such thing, however.  I could take this to mean that I am not ready.  I'd rather take it to mean that I am prepared, and I don't need anything else.  The die is cast, the bridge is crossed.  When the night is right, I strike.

My father shall be avenged.