Shanghai Blues - Sieg

After my plane landed in Hong Kong, I was finally reunited with my trusty motorcycle. It had been so long since I had seen it. I flew down the roads towards Shanghai where I would meet my trusty informant. As I approached the meeting location, there were children playing in the street and an elderly couple sitting on a bench. They all stopped and waved as I passed by. It must be a thing they do with foreigners.

I met my contact, and he told me of a woman in RED clothing. I knew instantly that it was her. He also disclosed her last location. As I headed towards this location, something caught my eye...A woman sitting outside a local tea house wearing all RED. I came to a sudden halt and flew from my bike towards her.

Suddenly, a large crowd of people rushed by and I was stopped. I tried to push through, but by the time I Got through, she was gone. I turned to go back to my bike, when I saw her across the street. I chased her down the street towards a dead end with an alley to the right. She turned the corner just a few seconds ber fore me. As I chased her, I updated my fellow agents of my status. When I got around the corner however, she was gone. There was only a note on the ground.

"Ah Sieg. You missed my by that much. Better luck next time Gumshoe."

I will get her...she will pay.

The game has just begun.


After failing miserably, I dragged myself back to my bike, dragging my arms, and heanging my head low. I had never thought I was capable of such a failure. I had trained and ran scenarios so many times. I guess nothing is like the real thing. I leaned against my bike for some time wondering why she bothered to leave me a note. Then I realized, she just thought this was all fun and games. How can someone so serious about stealing, think that being chased was fun? I for one would have been terrified if I had been caught or chased.

A few hours later, I recieved a message on my communicator. It was Carmen toying with me again.

"It seems I may have to apologize in advance, Mr. Foxveil, should I no longer have the item you seek..."

What did this mean? Had she sold it? Lost it? I was furious, but geting angry wasn't going to do me any good. I decided to arrange a meeting of neutral means. I was not interested in chasing her again until I knew the status of my Grandmother's Jewels. I replied with my invitation, and awaited her reply. Once I got her reply, I would decide on a location.

But I'm totally thinking Switzerland. They are a Neutral country after all. I am so funny when I want to be.

That's it from China for now. I will be heading back to ACME HQ until she replies.