Meeting for the first time - Philo/Eleanor

Joint Post Between Philo and E. Mayhem

Philo stooped in front of the soda machine grabbing can after can of generic red canned soda pop until he had a five dollar armload. Most likely they were all for him, and most likely they were bought so that Philo could work downstairs in the garage on a big project for hours without coming back for air. Nothing bothered Philo about a full engine overhal, not even the exhaust, but he was a human being, and he got thirsty.


The last few days had been surprisingly quiet considering that she'd basically presented a new person to the staff of ACME. Somewhere between her paperwork as a 'Supervising Detective' and plans on moving out of the dorms E had happy yet busy. It seemed that this transfer in persona would be easier than expected. Or so she thought as she made her way to her 'office's nearest soda machine and found a familiar face.

"Hey." she said calmly, for a moment forgetting who was saying hello now. After a beat she paused and looked up at him again. Oh.

Philo looked up, then back at his pile of sodas, which came down in a clatter over the break room table. His mouth opened, then closed, then opened. "'re deh, uh, you're deh girl from ACME Boston, right?"

There was a longer pause and a nod. "Yeah. E. Mayhem." she answered softly. After a quiet cough she continued. "I wasn't sure if you'd remember me... its been a few years..." Maybe it was more that she hoped he did.

"Of course I remember...Boston Speedway, 2007....I stole dat darn starter light, you took deh chase...things got rough....I made you fall off your bike...It was deh first itme I ever felt guilty for bein' a crook....In some crazy way, I owe you my new life..."

E's eyes widened just a bit. "...I'm uh, I'm glad that it could have such an effect on you..." There was an awkward pause, like the way she remembered it wasn't nearly as impressive. "Boston Speedway was my first VILE Case, and the first time I got a reprimand for reckless actions... not my last one either..."

"Ain't it always deh way when you're a lackey...I got it from my end too. Anyways, I've been wantin' teh find yas and tell yas I'm sorry, but you ain't been around." Philo gave a shrug. "It's been a while though, maybe at some point I woulda done it better, but..."

She chuckled lightly. "You've got nothing to apologize for. Honestly... its just a part of the job. Things happen." There was a little smile that formed on her face. "But I appreciate it. It’s not very often that the people I chase after apologize."

"It ain't often leopards change deir spots either..." Philo reached down to gather up his sodas again. "Well, you got some stuff t'do and so do I. I'll see yeh around deh break room..."

"Yeah, I should probably get back to my... workspace." Stepping backwards towards her temporary 'office' she waved. "I'll see you around..."

 "Yeah..." Philo took a few steps away, then turned around and said. " By deh way, I hope you're better at catchin' crooks than you was at makin' oil changes." With that he was gone for certain.

Watching the doors close behind Philo E stood silent for a moment before laughing loudly for a few moments and shaking her head. "Thanks, Philo..."