Random Nevon Things - Nevon

Gather around and let me tell you about the time that I tracked a master criminal all the way to Barbados.

In Portugese, Barbados means bearded-ones, and as I was a young man trying to sport a beard myself, I saw it as an opportunity to ask the islanders to share their secrets to growing facial-hair.

Sad to say that most had no idea what I was talking about. Where was I? Ah right-o, Barbados.

The Caribbean was blue as a chow-chow's tongue and I was--what's that? A chow-chow's tongue isn't Caribbean. Stop distracting me, you!


Went to surprise Simone with a visit today, but she wasn't home.Serves me right for wanting to surprise her with dinner and a movie.

She wanted to see Quantum Solace so badly, people at the office were saying she looked like Olga. I agree, when she just wakes up, and if she cut her hair that way, she can pass for a Russian.I'm going for a walk. Agent Nevon, signing out


The budget for the ACME potluck dinner this Chirstmas is out! Finally! I'm looking forward to lots of mashed potatoes so whoever's in charge of the side dishes, remember that FRESH POTATOES this year will make this accountant VERY HAPPY!


Being an ACME accountant is tough job.  Thankfully, I'm only one of hundreds of people punching away at the numpad.  I'm a floor accountant for Chief's section, and all I need to know is that the numbers coming in and out of this department gets the right credit and debit treatment.  There are special accountants that take care of the Special Agents and tech accountants that take care of the Tech Department.  These guys are massively b.a, but I don't envy them!

It's the beginning of the year and it's Crunch Time for all ACME accountants because we have only until April to make sure things look okay to the bosses.  Annual report, Taxes, all coming out all near the same time.  My head kindda hurts thinking about it.