Nicole Barnes Bits - Nicole Barnes

I don't know what I was thinking...

Here I was, 12:07 AM and I was still awake with my Carmen file, just trying to figure this woman out.  What had I gotten into? 

I remembered a very similar night, back when I was 12.  Things were very different.  For one, I was still in opera training, thinking that nothing in the world would EVER get in the way of that...I didn't know how to live without it.  And frankly, I still don't.  But here in the ACME dorms I can't just belt out "In Trutina" like I used to in the foyer of my old house when no one was home. 

But Carmen had been someone who had fascinated me as long as music had, and I had spent many a night on this same red laptop exhausting every resource I could find, and then holding my breath when I heard my parent's walk past because I doubted they would like the fact I was still online at midnight on a school night. 

But this particular night was different.  My parents were in the other room.  It was Tuesday for my family.  And this Tuesday was scarcely one minute old.  I was online to distract myself from the noises downstairs.  I stumbled on the ACME worker's site but didn't have access to anything.  I slammed the laptop shut...harder than was wise.  I had heard my name and need to know what was going on. 

Getting up from my canopied double bed I walked over to my closet.  Once, my mom had split my closet in half to make a storage closet for the game room.  I hadn't been happy, but I agreed on the terms that she give me a trap door into the other closet.  It was a deal!  So I sat in the closet with the trap door open a crack listening.  Dad had lost stock money...and lots of it.  There was talk of sending me to public school.  I was currently at a private school after homeschooling until 6th grade...and I hated it!  Mom was crying and there was talk of selling the house.

We did just that and moved in with my mom's big sister, Aunt Lydia.  I loved her house but it wasn't large enough.  I was crying on the bed and considering running away because my opera lessons, choir, and piano I had worked so hard for years on were being thrown away. 

Of course an ACME recruiter found me that summer and I signed up for criminal investigation and moved out to free up some room.  I think I also needed some air.  I never did like change and this was too much at once.

But that was another night...and tonight I sat on my bed with that same red laptop, coming pretty close to stalking the world's greatest thief from the comfort of my own dorm!  I wrote something in my file- preferring when trying to pinpoint a motive to write by hand-with a red pen.  The same red pen, I noted, as Carmen uses: a red waterman.  I'd been told about a detective who found one dropped by her.  The difference-Carmen's had a clue inside and a C.S. engraved on it.  And naturally, mine didn't. 

I shook my head.  "Carmen, I'll never figure you out," I thought.  And maybe I was right.

If Carmen even knows about me she probably thinks I'm fighting a losing battle.  But let's face it: Carmen has her way of defying logic.  Almost so you cheer her on silently. Almost so that you begin to defy logic that same way, wanting both to do your job and then being impressed with her escape...again. I guess it's this way for a lot of people...

...even for the "good guys." 

Even for me.


My first few days working for ACME has been all work an no play. Just the way I tend to enjoy it really. I haven't meant anyone of interest but I've been able to assist with a current case in where the only clue to any crime was a photograph. I was recognized the red building in the background as the CNA and knew that the location was Chicago, Illnois. One of the many places I've been meaning to see.

However in the photo, the fore-most structure that seems like a steel net has me baffelled. I have no idea what the structure is and I am coming up empty with personal research on it. I hate not knowing what something is. It is starting to eat at me.


So I was in the ACME computer lab because my computer was on it's scheduled scan and defrag because Carmen contacted me a few days ago about my trouble IDing the Chicago landmark in the Millenium Park. As grateful as I am for her assistance, the fact that she is inside my inner network has me on the defensive for the moment so I am taking measure to take care of that.

I feel completely stupid that Carmen was able to even know how to enter into my own personal files and that she added me in a personal situation. I am suppose to outsmart Carmen and here I am letting her into my computer and accessing my files and having her aid me to find Cloud Gate located in the Millennium Park in Chicago, Illnois. I'm glad that I found it but it is a personal disgrace that she helped me do it. I have to be smarter. I'll have to work harder. Or else, how can I even even hope to catch her?

Anyways, back to the reason I wanted to post, I was in the computer and I overheard a hand full of fellow employees talking about roommates. I realized that I know very little about the actual physical world of ACME other than the digital aspect of it all. And even that I've been kind of slacking on.

I'll have to ask the Chief if there is a dorm nearby. I'll have to check it out and see if it would be better than having an apartment that I just happen to call my Lair. lol Batman has a cave so why can't I have a lair? lol

But I do need to get to know more of my fellow ACME agents. I shouldn't just shun them all because I am smarter than them. Who knows? I might be more entertained that way.


I've been thinking about moving into the Organization's Dorms a lot lately. I am not sure why? Trying to move my entire technological network over to another room and sharing that room with someone else would ... well, that wouldn't be desirable. So I think I am going to request a single room.

But I think that it will be a good idea to intertwine my network with that of the Organization. That way, I'll have fast connection and easier access to other ACME agents information through the organization's secured files and also the information of known V.I.L.E. members. It is good to know both your allies and your prey.

Also, with being so close to ACME, I'll have easier access to the ACME equipment and devices. To tell you the truth, there is a part of me that is excited about that.

The more resources I am able to acquire, the easier it will be for me to catch Carmen and her crew.

Now, if I didn't have to deal with room and dorm mates, it would be a solid deal. But I'll have to talk to the chief about the details of it all.


I am slowly but surely learning more and more about the ACME organization. I got in contact with The Chief and he explained to me that within the organization, my limits are imaginary. I can reach as far as I would want to reach. All I have to do pass the given exam for the position and / or status that I want. Seems simple enough.

So with that in mind, I have to figure out what I want to do within the organization and see if there is some sort of exam to qualify for it.

Also, I really do think I am gonna live in the ACME dormitory. And I am gonna try my hardest to get a single room but if I have to get a dorm mate, then I'll have to hack into the computer system and set up the best kind of roommate to aid me in my goal to seize Carmen Sandiego and her title as one of the smartest in the world.

But for the moment, I have to do more research on the Dormatories and figure out what I want to take from ACME.


So I have decided that I am going to aim to be a Special Field Agents. I know that my skills are best behind a desk but for me to be able to be the one to catch Carmen, I have to get some field experience.

But there isn't much on going cases going on. In matter of fact, I know that a few other ACME agents are already underway to capturing a V.I.L.E. member by the name of Sarah Nade. Normally, agents outside the case don't get to see those kind of intel. Lucky for me I'm smart enough to give myself clearance into those files.

And not only those files, I've been doing some research on past V.I.L.E. cases. Some very extraordinary things happened within the ACME organization. Some of the higher ups wouldn't want me to see some of their personal files but that just makes the fruit that much juicer, no? lol But that is alright. Their secrets and flaws are safe with me ... for now.

But I shouldn't get too caught up in this. I have an entire set up to dismantle and ship off. That's right. I am moving to the dormitories. I'll be living on the virtually empty second floor. The privacy. The quiet. The solitude. I feel like Batman minus the underage sidekicks.

It is starting to slide into place. Soon, I'll be out there, hot on Carmen's gang. However, I'll have to find a way to go on cases myself. I don't need a team or even a partner. No one is near my intelligence level here anyways. Nope, if I am going to catch Carmen, it will be perfect. Just me, her and handcuffs.


I think I found someone very simular to me when browsing the dossiers of ACME agents. An agent by the name of Mod Maximilian. It seems that his family legacy was destroyed by a botched hiest by V.I.L.E.. He seems highly intelligent and deteremined to catch Carmen. He seems to have a personal vendetta against Carmen that might be dangerous but at the same time, it might be the fire that keeps him pursuing Ms. Sandiego.


Okay, so with that last story, I'm not trying to control any characters, just having fun.  Still, because I feel like writing about me, I'm posting a new story. 

My name is Nicole Claire Barnes.  I destest being called Niki!  DETEST!!!  I'm new here at ACME (read profile for more info) but I love it here!  This story will be in 3rd person because the all-knowing person controling me feels like adding other people's thoughts in too.  Here I go!

It was a cloudy day in May.  School for ACME borders had just let out for the year.  14-year-old Nicole Barnes was in here new dorm unpacking.  Rain had just begun to beat at the window, making the none-too-cheery room seem almost dingy.  A girl knocked on the open door-frame. 

"Hey, can I come in?"

Nicole looked up.  "Sure.  I'm Nicole."

"I'm Alexandra.  But call me Alex.  My dorm is across the room from you, and I heard you were my age."

"Hi Alex!" Nicole said with that warm feeling of a good first impression.  "Jut don't call me Niki and I'm sure we'll get along just fine!  So how long have you been here?"

"Not too long.  My parents were detectives, so it was always planned that I would go here someday.  I guess that's why ACME wanted me.  Because my parents were good, you know?"

"Not really.  I was going to be an opera singer.  My parents weren't musical but apparently I had talent.  But, to put it frankly, we can't afford it anymore.  I was recruted here.  They wanted me, so I had to...change."  she sighed, dark eyes misty.  "But I like Criminal Motives Investigations.  It's a lot of fun, but not very out-in-the-field."

Alex smiled, "Yeah I know!  I did that for a while but now I'm kind of a hybred.  Wish I could work on Carmen Sandiego's case someday.  Now that would be amazing!  They said I might if they could team me up."

"Awesome, Alex!  You are lucky!"

"Well, that is if they can find someone...wait!  How about you!  I could recomend you!  I'm sure they would let us work together!"

Nicole looked down, "I don't know...I have no expirience past the testing and a few easy cases before I moved in.  All I did was tell the real agents where they might find th crook, and explain some intentions.  I questioned some with help...but Carmen?  It would be so cool...but I'm not sure I can do it."

Alex tossed her head of very dark hair.  It was a toss that would have become curls, but was almost comical on her choppy layered hair with it's one red streak.  Her blue eyes flashed as she said, "You'll be fine!  I'll ask the chief!"

Nicole shook her head sending the long waves of golden brown, forced into her hair by means of heat, flying.  "Okay, I give up!"

Alex walked out with a wave and a smile.  Nicole finished unpacking and headed downstairs with her red laptop, her one hint of her old life she had left.  She had some reseach to do for another small case. As she walked into ACME's computer room Nicole thought just how wonderful it would be to do this on Carmen's case.  But something in her hesitated.  She admired Carmen.  Nicole had loved every story about Carmen when she was younger, the Carmen a detective.  The thing is, Nicole had researched.  Since she knew how to get her fingers to the Google search bar she was looking up info about Carmen.  Why did she quit?  Everyone said she was smart.  Yet Nicole felt there must be more.  There had to be!  But for now, she had to get back to work.  Time for pondering would come later.


Nicole was NOT a morning person.  She was glad of the academy's odd schedual for odd students.  They let you pick 2-3 class days and 2-3 home/out-on-the-field/homework days.  Of course, they also had 5 day a week programs and even 6 days!  But Nicole had chosen to have class Tues/Thurs.  Because of work the other days, she did all her homework when she got home.  This wasn't normal school.  Homework was for a full day...but Nicole was used to odd schools. 

Classes didn't start until 9, but that didn't mean our detective wasn't already out of bed at 6:30.  She had work to do.  Tripping out of bed, she proceeded with all the normal teenage-girl cleanliness and beauty right-of-passage (don't worry, we all did!) until, by 7:24, she was out the door with her backpack. 

"Good," she thought.  "I'll have just about an hour for work."

You see, Alex's comments had gotten Nicole thinking.  And later that had been followed with a message from the chief letting her and ALex know they had the job.  So now, research.  Nicole used to say it the only time she wasn't lethargic in the early mornings is when she was getting up to go sing somewhere, but as it turned out, Carmen turned out to be a pretty good motivater too. 

Nicole giggled as she realized her job was pretty much to be a stalker!  But oh was quite interesting.  And where Carmen Sandiego is concerned...well! 

Nicole was surrprised as she took out her red laptop in the computer room to see she was not alone.  A guy from her class named Garrett  was there too.  He lived pretty near to Nicole's aunt's home where her family stayed, and Nicole had gotten to know and love Garrett's little sisters, Bailey (8) and Amanda (6).  She burried herself down, as he seemed absorbed with his work.  But then he turned towards her.  Swoopy (almost) black, wavy hair and big brown got her every time.  His skin was tanned and he was a little more thin than trim!  But then again, so was Nicole.  His smile was bright and perfect.

"Hey Nissa!" he called her by the nickname Nicole's friends called her--unless they forgot and Heaven forbid they called her Niki! 

"Nissa" as she has been refered to smiled and replied, "Hello Garrett!  You're up early."

"Well, I  I kinda need a good grade in history right now.  And that's beside all the detective classes!  What about you?"

"Me, I had research to do," Nissa smiled.

"Must have been someone special to have gotten you up at this hour!  One would think you had to catch and early flight to Macedonia!"

Nicole laughed!  They had a running joke when they both joined ACME about being double agents--Nicole for Macedonia (she had a friend in a high place there) and Garrett as a spy trying to restore Czechoslovakia!  It's a long story, and that joke had caused a few raised eyebrows around ACME. 

"It's Carmen, actually. lucky."

"Haha, Nissa!  Good for you!"  He smiled that perfect smile again.

"Thanks, but Alex--she just joined too--helped me out a ton.  But I should let you get back to work."

"Okey dokey.  Have fun!" Garrett teased.

Nissa made a face, and clicked on a website.  The day had started well.