The Accidental Middleman - Chase/Euge/Ivy

The Accidental Middleman

(A compilation of different chat logs over the span of a few months -- those of you who are in this, if you don't remember what was said, go ahead and protest.)

Lockers -- Sometime in 2012.

Chase Devineaux, newly appointed ACME's Director of Operations, sat on a bench moving things out of his locker to be placed in a temporary office.

"Hey," Eugene Grovington, either on break or random self-imposed patrolling schedule, popped his head in, "you have a minute?"

"Sure," Chase nodded, "shoot."

"At the group hangout, last night," the pilot started, "I might have, say, unintentionally asked Ivy out."

Devineaux chuckled, vaguely remembering the incident involving Abraham Lincoln fighting vampires or zombies and a suggestion to go watch some movie with the same theme.

"I don't think she picked it up," Euge continued, "I'm good, right?"

"Did you want to take her out?"

"…No," the flight instructor might have fidgeted, but Chase decided that he didn't.

"Ivy's not your average girl, if she picks up something, she'll probably let you know right away."

"So, I'm good."

"You must be."

Lockers -- a few days later.

Ivy Monaghan opened the door of her locker and exhaled. "Damn it."

There was one more thing that needed her attention before she could leave for the frozen south. Nesting in terra cotta was a plant that Ivy had been trying to keep alive since her return from Hong Kong. Her anger management instructor thought it would give her a calming habit to work on, needless to say this was her third plant. Looking around Ivy spotted the only man she knew who had any semblance of a green thumb.

"Hey... Chase, I'm leaving for the raid. Can you take care of my plant?"

Chase Devineaux turned around, taking a moment to process the question before looking at the terracotta pot in Ivy's hands. The plant - as it seemed - was only a sprig in loose soil, its one leaf already dried up.

"I think it's dead." He replied bluntly.

Ivy crinkled her nose. "No it's not, it's... hibernating. Besides, I won't be gone long."

"Right, I'll take care of… 'this' while you're raiding VILE," Chase chuckled. He took the plant, there was a sunny window next to his secretary's desk, and since Renee was so good with the other office flora, he figured she could breathe some life into Ivy's sapling as well… or buy a new one entirely. 

"Hey Chase…" Ivy produced an odd way of introducing a topic, by prolonging the one syllable in Chase's name.


"You talk to Eugene a lot, right?"

"I talk to him enough, why?"

"Has he said anything recently…  about me?"

"Euge? Not that I heard… Why would you ask?"

"Right. Because I think he asked me out… and then took it back."

"I don’t think there's any protocol against that," Chase started, "Wait, you picked that up?"

"Well I don’t know. Who knows what Euge thinks?