Lucid Dream - Eleanor

A lucid dream is any dream in which one is aware that one is dreaming. The term was coined by the Dutch psychiatrist and writer Frederik (Willem) van Eeden (1860-1932).[1] In a lucid dream, the dreamer may be able to exert some degree of control over their participation within the dream or be able to manipulate their imaginary experiences in the dream environment.[2] Lucid dreams can be realistic and vivid.[3] It is shown that there are higher amounts of beta-1 frequency band (13-19 Hz) experienced by lucid dreamers, hence there is an increased amount of activity in the parietal lobes making lucid dreaming a conscious process.[4]

Though she believed fully in them she'd never had one. But she knew this was what it was.

Before she opened her eyes she'd figured out where she was.

The sound of the rotor system was prominent even with the doors closed, Eleanor noted to herself as eyes opened to take in the situation from her place belted into a seat aboard a helicopter flying over the ocean. She had wet hair in front of her face, dirt covering every inch of her, an injured arm bandaged tightly and scrapes on every bit of exposed skin though a lack of pain helped her note the high use of pain killers - taking deep breaths felt difficult. Around her sat about 8 others, each as wet and dirty as herself, each in varying states of attentiveness. A quick look at everyone caused her to note that aside from Chase Devineaux strapped in 2 seats down she didn't recognize anyone - but that felt wrong, like something in the back of her mind thought otherwise. Why did it feel wrong?

The air in the cabin was tense, a feeling which spread to her, intensifying to a sensation like ice had filled her veins as a voice came over the helicopter's intercom.

"...Speechless, are we? Perhaps you are now seeing my point, Syshchík. The world is vulnerable, the ease of which it shall disintegrate rests upon the flawed perception of one incongruous mind... Now hear me well, the meltdown has been activated. Sincerely, I apologize to your loving friends, but my demonstration is not yet complete."

"How fast are we going?" Devineaux deftly left his seat, surging to the front of the helicopter to speak to the crew. "Wind direction, maximum speed, distance from origin, possible destinations. I need data, move it!"

Eleanor could not move. It wasn't that she was afraid, she just simply could not move, or even speak to the others nearby; her role in this place was to only observe. Left to watch the reactions of the people around her, from the sobbing of the woman next to her to a particularly stunning blonde woman and a handsome young Israeli talking to Chase by the cockpit. The only exception to the chaos was a man who at first glance she'd simply dismissed as someone she didn't know before. He was fair with long white hair and a set of delicately beautiful features but there was something about him, something in the eyes that made him seem strange, almost other worldly. His eyes were like a California sunset. No, seriously, they seemed to melt from yellows to oranges to reds and seemed... cat like.

The longer she stared at him as he unbuckled his seat belt and wandered around the cabin as if looking for something the more about him she seemed to notice; like a leather bound journal that he held tightly in his hands with a distinctive symbol on its cover, the heavy robes that hid his figure or his... long... catlike ears. Huh, other worldly was right. Her stare remained even as a different feeling of dread started to settle in. Not a cold feeling like ice in her veins but a type of dread that came with a feeling like she should be careful he didn't have a knife.

She could hear the mutterings of the cockpit and its pilot unnaturally well for someone so far away.

"Sir, I'm no rocket scientist, but don't look like we're home free. Best case scenario, we don't feel a damn thing. Worst case, we make it and die of radiation."

A nuclear blast. The helicopter was running from a nuclear blast. Turning her gaze back to the white haired man she watched as his eyes started to dart around, a tension finally coming over him as he started to adjust himself and chant. The words he'd started to mutter were gibberish to her but obviously they had some sort of meaning to him as he spoke them with a desperation that matched the rest of the cabin perfectly. E could feel the hair on the back of her neck start to stand on end as his tone got a little faster just before he opened his mouth wide and swallowed a large mouthful of air.

Outside of the vehicle the world seemed to turn a shade of white so strikingly bright she turned her head away for just moment. She assumed it was from the nuclear explosion that had been threatening the group, but by the time she'd turned her head back the white lights of the world had been replaced by white sand. The helicopter had come to land in a desert, its engine dead, its blades no longer spinning. They had escaped by... unnatural means and White Hair had been the cause of such means. There was no other explanation.

White Hair was the first to run out the door and, finally finding herself able to move she was quick to unbuckle herself and follow, able to poke her head out of the helicopter just in time to watch him lean over and give a loud heave, a black iridescent substance retched from his mouth hitting the bright white sands of the desert. Hopping out of the vehicle she moved to try and help the white haired man but gave pause as she heard Chase's voice in a tone she could not remember ever hearing out of him. It was beyond his normal calm and controlled range, it was... almost panicked.

"Don't touch anything!"

The black substance soaking into the contrasting landscape started to spread, its size growing slowly with a stench which could, just by itself, punctuate the words spoken. As the dark shade was about to reach her feet she started to step back, slowly at first. Finding it started to spread more quickly towards her she found herself having to nearly jump backwards to avoid it. The faster she moved backwards to get away from the dark substance the faster it seemed to follow, and she continued to retreat until she felt her back press itself against something - someone. As she froze in place the black liquid did as well, bubbling into the sand, as if almost herding her into a wanted position.

Turning her head and eventually her body she found Chase Devineaux standing behind her almost casually with his hands in the pockets of a crisp Burberry suit, a stark contrast to the damp, dirty ripped clothes she'd seen on him just moments before. His mood seemed different as well, a charismatic smile on his face as he offered his hand.

"Share an elevator with me?"

"...Elevator?" E asked, her first words spoken since she'd started this dream. She looked, first around for this elevator he spoke of which was nowhere to be seen, and then at him, eyes staring into those steel doors which were bathed in a bit of mischievousness. Finally she held her hand out for his. With sleigh of hand, he placed in hers a piece of candy... on a stick. A red lollipop.

"It's for good girls, they say." He began walking out into the desert, slowing for her to catch up. E paused to look at the lollipop, then up at him and started to follow him across the bright white sands, throwing a glance behind her to watch the sickly black substance bubbling on the desert floor follow them, as if daring her to try and retreat from their march. Following silently time passed though she could not tell how much before they arrived at a set of elevator doors held up by themselves in the middle of nowhere. Chase paused, standing aside to let her pass, staring at her expectantly, waiting for her to press the button on the elevator. It took a moment before Eleanor understood what he wanted but finally understanding she passed by him, turning her back on him just a moment do as was expected of her.

As her finger pressed the button the bright sunlight dimmed, day turning to night in an instant. Beneath her feet the soft cushioning sand hardened, turning into a concrete street as around her rose buildings, curbs and street lights as her only way to see. The temperature of the air dropped dramatically from a blistering hot desert sun to a cold windy snowy night and as E turned to look for Chase she found him gone, in his place a single red rose on the wet concrete.

The elevator dinged, the doors opened and, without much of an option in the current temperature that had found her, she stepped through the door, turning to look at the red rose as the black substance, still following her, covered and consumed it as the shiny metal door closed and the elevator started to ding, indicating the floors she was starting to pass.




Ding ding beep beep beep beep beep beep beep...

Drowsy eyes opened to look at the table sitting next to a bed, eyes without glasses reading the large numbers on a digital alarm clock and a hand finally reaching out to slam the snooze button. Five AM never stopped being too early for a morning run.