It is said... - Bran

(This is under "the Secrets of Min y Coed Manor" tab. Just saying, if you thought this post was kind-of random...)

It is said the last man who tried to steal the treasure of Min y Coed Manor can still be seen sitting alone in a corner of the basement... You might think that he is peacefully resting, until you saw the arrow protruding from his body. Some say that, at night, you can hear his vengeful ghost walking back and forth across the room. This is probably just a wives' tale passed on from generation to generation. Of course, it might be true. Maybe I'll just walk down to the cellar tonight and see for myself.... Oh yes, I almost forgot. If you don't see me again, please tell the gardener to keep the roses well tended to. Lately he has been forgetting to weed around them...

A secret of Min y Coed Manor.

P.S. Any reference to roses living or dead is purely coincidental.


(Neb/Joe/Flag: lol)