Kitty cats and lost thoughts... - Joe

Hi guys! Enjoy the poem below. 

Kitty cats and lost thoughts

I sit beside the window, stroking Carmine's fur

The silence only broken by her rythymic purr

Henchmen scurrying to and fro, they haven't got a clue

They're like lost sheep when boss doesn't tell them what to do

I see the panic slip despite they brave front they show

I smile and turn back to watch the falling snow

I haven't got the heart to tell them, they think the damage has been done

This isn't the final fallout, change has only just begun

They think that we just need to rebuild, regroup and plan again

Sadly, they're in for an unwelcome surprise, and a world full of pain

Scientists call it the calm the comes before a violent storm

Soon enough change and chaos will be the only norm

The tower theft was just the catalyst, the fallout just a tremor

The tidal wave that follows the quake is the real deadly terror

No time to rest, it's time to build, to work and to prepare

Lest when the storm should come we all be caught unaware

Carmine stirs, she looks up, a change is in the wind

She can sense it and so do I, the real fun is about to begin

Make no mistake though, this game is changing in ways no one has seen

This time both sides play to survive rather than to lose or win

My feline friend stares out the window, a longing meow she gives

It echoes the cry throughout the halls of this den of thieves

We need our captain at the helm, the tempest demands it soon

Music must be played to soothe the beast, and only she knows the right tune