Emmesey Squire Bits

A deep darkness covered the land. It was the type of darkness that one would expect to see ghosts, demons and a whole list of other supernatural creatures. But all this didn't concern one lone person as he walked toward a building one could describe as business-like.

The doors slid open as the person walked up to them and he entered the building. A minute later he could be seen in a elevator going up to thirteenth floor. A *ding* later and the peson walked out and continued on toward a chair perfectly situated in front of a sliding glass door  leading to the balconey. The person sat down on the chair and stared at the Full Moon.He stares at the moon for a few minutes, His gaze then turns to two objects on a table to his right. The objects were two picture frames depicting two clear shots of the elusive Lady in Red.

He thinks back toward when he had taken those pictures and of when and why he'd joined VILE. A part of him said it was a great opprotunity. VILE was a decent organization that had done an impressive amount of things and joing them might prove useful in helping him obtain clues and info on completing his family's goal. Another part of him said he also joined VILE to be near its leader whom he sort of admired. After all it wasn't everyday some hears of or even meets a person of such great skill. But he pushed the thought aside.

The person's thoughts were interupted by small rythmic sounds. He listens closely and he recognizes the tune as the alert for an incoming transmission from a member of his network. He answers and a voice floods into his head. "Black Angel. I have something for you. Something that'll help you towards your goals." The voice said. The person recognized who it was even though the voice was distorted to be unrecognizable he knew who it was. Only those very few in the highest echelon of his network knew that nickname and even less people were permitted to call him that. "What and where?" he asked, his voice also distorted hiding his excitement. "It's in Macau as for the what, you'll find out when you get there." the transmssion ended.

"Something that will help me toward my goals, huh?" He thought about them and VILE. It was true that nearly every member save the leader were caught by the police at least once so would they get in the way? If push came to shove what would he do if they did? Well he'd do what he always did with an obstacle that got in his way...he'd destroy it...utterly. He'd never gotten caught by police even his magical enemies and their police hadn't touched him..yet. Mostly due to the fact that he was willing to destroy anything that got in his way. But anyway so far nothing has happened.

The chair swiviled around to to reveal Emmesey Squire a.k.a. El Capitan. "Looks like it'll be an interesting day tommorow. I can't wait. I must prepare."


El Capitan had had an intresting few months, all things considered. First there was that thing with the interdimensional Walrus where he barely escaped being eaten by Quantem Zombies. Then there was the time he had to slay a giant soul-sucking monster made completely out of eyeballs. After that there was the whole trapped in the Strange Matter dimension and the Belldandy frame up. And his favorite, the Duel with Destiny and Death. But it was worth it because now he owned Excaliber and it's Sheath, the exact and proper method of Resurrection, the original manuscript of Bram Stoker's Dracula, a Chupacabra, a map showing the locations of the Cities of Gold and Silver, and of course the Colossus of Rhodes.

As El Capitan sat in the dark pondering his next move; the phone rang. It was one of his men saying they located the City of Caesars and Antillia. When he hung up El Capitan thought "Huh. I wonder if Carmen would want the Colossus of Rhodes."


El Capitan sat in the dark of his favorite safehouse. He looked at a monitor where one his duplicates was working with another Vile agent, giving him the idea of being bolder in terms of schemeing. But now now it was time for a new plan. One that involved the bosess of both sides. He was confident he could pull it off. After all he had sold the Eiffel Tower eight times already.

He got out his laptop and began to write the invitations. "Heh heh heh."


A special tone sounded. El Capitan snapped out of his meditaion and looked at his laptop. He had a response from the Bosslady. Life times ago he would have squealed like a star-struck girl at the sight of her favorite celeberty. But now he was calm. He had to be careful. After all this was the Bosslady, if he wasn't careful she could very well turn the tables on him. He placed an answer to her response. Then checked his inventory to make sure he had thought of all the items. "Good. This "exchange" should go smoothly. If not...Well I could always alter the timestream."


Somewhere, Someplace:

Emmesey Squire sat in darkness brooding. He thought of previous events that transpired, the more he thought of the angrier he got. Never again would he involve himself in one of Loki's schemes. That blasted Asgardian had done some serious damage; if it wern't his contacts in Africa he'd be in more trouble than he already was. He thought about the Boss Lady, she might backlist him forever. "Oh well, No use hiding it even though I could. Still I wonder how she'd react if she found out I nearly destroyed all realities. At least it explains my absence" He placed a call.