After the Last Episode - Nicole Barnes

 Even the spacious room seemed to close in on Carmen, trapping her.  Everything seemed to scream, "Who are you Carmen?" and then laugh because she did not know the answer. 

The great thief had not committed a crime in a month.  She wondered if she ever would.  She had the capacity to change.  Should she remain the same because she would not be changing for anyone?  Yvette, one of the maids that worked at Carmen's HQ in Paris, watched her employer.  The little maid had endured orphan-ship, a divorce between her adoptive parents, and finding out that her adoptive mother was going to jail.  She tried not to get mixed up with the wrong people, but she didn't know how.  Carmen found and hired her, to keep her safe and give her work.  Yvette was willing to take the risk.   

"Carmen, you haven't been yourself.  What's wrong?" the maid asked timidly.

Carmen jumped a little.  "Who am I anyway, Yvette?"

Yvette looked confused.  "WH-what do you mean?'

"Yvette, you've been through so much sadness, and yet, you are so cheerful.  Or is it a mask, like mine?"

Yvette smiled to herself.  She knew how Carmen felt.  "Well, when you become burdened with a great sorrow, a mask easily falls away, as yours is now.  Your heart becomes an open book.  For me, my heart is written in a book, and I can lift a burden off my back.  True, there is still a sting, a painful memory, but I know I'll pass through it."    

Carmen raised her eyebrows at this child's eloquence.  "So you keep a diary?"

"Yes, and I can't count the ways it has comforted me," Yvette replied.

"I never had time to keep one.  What could I put in it?  My life was missing too many pieces."

"Try writing down what you do know, it all fits somewhere."

Carmen saw Yvette's point.  "I'll try it out.  Thank you Yvette."

Yvette nodded and left the room.


Carmen decided to try Yvette's advice.  She pulled out an unused, red leather notebook.  She smiled and began her story.

I remember running; running like my heart would burst.  Something fell on my head, and everything went black.  When I woke up, I didn't know where or who I was.  But I didn't care.  I was hungry, and that was all my two-year-old brain would think about.  Soon a policeman found me and asked me my name.  I told him that I forgot it.  He then asked where my mother was.  I told him that I didn't remember my mother, and I did not think I had one.  The question came again, this time about my father.  My answer was the same.  He decided to take me to an orphanage.  Ms. Beverly D'Angelo took me in.  At first I was very shy and did not want to talk to any of the other girls.  That night I slept soundly and awoke with a start.  I remembered my name.  When I told Ms. D'Angelo she was very glad.

"Carmen Isabella is a lovely name, dear; but don't you have one more?"

I didn't remember that one, so I was given the last name Sandiego. 

Carmen looked up.  She decided to stop writing and go back downstairs. 

Page Turner was sitting in front of the television.  She turned from the news when she saw Carmen.  "Hello Carmen.  We wondered if you would ever come down again... Carmen?" 

Carmen's face was white and she was staring at the screen.  Page turned to see the report. 

"...Malcolm Avalon's memory is slowly returning."

Page saw Carmen's white face and knew this was too much for her to handle.  Carmen turned and went back to her room.          


The next day two detectives at Acme were talking, "Sis, I don't know about you, but I'm bored! Can't Carmen hurry up and get over it?  I would take any case: a group of jaywalkers--"

Red headed Ivy smiled wearily at her fourteen-year-old blond brother.  She was four years older.  "Yeah, yeah, yeah...someone who forgot to floss.  Don't start that again.  Carmen needs time.  You know, she might not ever commit another crime again.  She must have a lot to think about."  Ivy paused speaking an afterthought, "And don't call me sis."

Zack rolled his eyes.

"Hot tip, hot tip!  This just in from Crime-net!"

Ivy sighed in relief, "Go ahead Chief!" 

"Carmen just stole... a photo of Avalon's daughter?  Did I read that correctly?   

Zack started, "I think I know where this is going.  Didn't Avalon just recover his memory?"

"You're right Zack!  Do you think she wants to prove that she is Avalon's daughter?"  Ivy said, drawing her breath.

"She could be.  This could be one of those times that she doesn't want Acme interfering."  As the chief spoke Ivy's face fell more and more downcast.

"Come on Ivy.  It's not that bad.  Who knows?  If Carmen can prove that she is Avalon's daughter maybe...just maybe she will give up her life of crime!"

"You have a point, Zack.  What if we followed Carmen to see what she was up to?"

The chief nodded.  "Okay Gumshoes!  You are being C5ed to Avalon's estate.  See if she left a clue, but remember this is no ordinary case!"


Ivy fell on her feet, while Zack landed flat on his face nearby.

A guard came up to them. 

"What are you two doing here?  Avalon doesn't like trespassers appearing out of nowhere!" 

Ivy spoke, "Sorry to bother you, sir.  I'm Ivy and this is my brother, Zack.  We're from ACME Detective Agency.  We need to talk to Mr. Avalon."

"Oh sure you are.  Listen kid, it takes more than words and that badge of yours to prove anything.  And even if I did believe you, Avalon's not seeing any visitors so I would thank you to leave!"

Ivy stepped away.  Zack turned to her.

"Ivy, we need to call the chief.  Maybe then the guards will let us in."

Ivy pressed a button on her watch.  A pink screen bearing the chief's image appeared.  The chief had an image of a cup of coffee on the screen.  He looked up.

"Well hello gumshoes!  Don't you know better than to ask for help during my coffee break?"

"Chief!" said both detectives in unison. 

"Okay, okay.  What's wrong now?"

Ivy spoke, "The guards won't let us pass.  Apparently Avalon isn't seeing anyone.  What should we do?"

The chief started to speak, than the image began to blur, the voice grew fainter, and it all faded away.

"Chief, you're breaking up!  Chief?"

The image changed and Carmen's replaced it.  She wasn't wearing her hat, and her hair fell about her in midnight colored curls. 

"Zack, Ivy, you weren't invited this time.  However, that doesn't mean I expect you to listen.  But you might find me a little harder to track."

Now she faded and the Chief returned. 

"I just hate it when she does that!" 

Ivy cut in, "Chief, calm down.  All we need for now is for you to get us in to see Avalon."

"What!  They didn't let you in?  I specifically said you would be coming today!  They must not have received to message."

"Or someone prevented them for receiving it..." said Zack.

Ivy frowned, "The perfect way to delay us. I hope she's happy."

"Hold on," said the chief, "I'll get you two in.

After a five minute wait for Chief to resend the message and a hasty apology from the guards, the siblings entered the mansion.  Every minute detail spoke of wealth, power, and yet...emptiness.  The only sound was the thumping of Zack and Ivy's footsteps echoing on the marble floor before they evaporated past the arching ceiling, which was sprinkled with crystal chandeliers.  Both walked on until they turned a corner and were confronted by a tall, salt-and-pepper haired man in his early fifties.  His voice sounded horse and distant. 

"Oh, good day.  From ACME?  I thought as much, come."

In a silence that matched the surrounding mood Zack and Ivy followed Avalon.  They turned down a longer, narrower corridor and entered a large private art gallery.  On the back wall, framed by red velvet curtains with gold tassels, lay a portrait of a young woman.  She had short, dark hair and piecing, yet kind blue eyes.  This was all familiar to them.  But Ivy was the first to notice something amiss on the small table beneath the portrait. 

"Sir, the small picture frame on that table...was something inside it?"

"...A family picture.  It was taken just before the..." his voice trailed off.  No one felt need to speak the unfinished phrase, but they all pictured the flames that took the life of the beautiful lady whose image loomed above them like a ghostly reminder in the dusk of the room. 

"So you think Carmen took the picture to prove that she-"

Avalon cut off Zack, "She will never be my daughter!  She never was!"

The tension level rose so high that one could feel it in the very walls.  Ivy gulped.

"I think we have all the evidence we need.  I don't expect a clue this time.  Thanks, we'll be going now."

"Wait sis!" said Zack, "let's look at the frame."

He picked it up, and opened it.  Just as the young agent suspected, between the backing and the opening there was a tiny folded note with the letters "C.S." on the front fold. 

Ivy had already ordered the C5, so snatching the note, they jumped in.