Welcome! You have entered [Neutral Grounds] at 2:15 am
[ Kidman ]: -- Welcome! Please stay in character while in chat, (use parenthesis for Out Of Character messages). Also remember, this is the Internet, DO NOT give out personal information.
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Cobain is awesome, Dan, tots
[ SwedishFish ]: Ginger...
[ Patty-Larceny ]: Hey Kiddy!
[ DetectiveAwesome ]: thanks
[ DetectiveAwesome ]: hey hey Kidman
[ DetectiveAwesome ]: we is playin' a game
[ Kidman ]: Hey mates!
[ Patty-Larceny ]: (I gotta go eat breakfast, up too long)
[ Patty-Larceny ]: (Bye!)
[ SwedishFish ]: Doctor Conrad?
[ Scarlet ]: If it must be someone famous, then Marie Curie, I suppose...
[ DetectiveAwesome ]: aw
[ SwedishFish ]: Vi ses, Patty.
[ Kidman ]: awwww
[ DetectiveAwesome ]: later pats
[ Scarlet ]: Hello Kidman, and goodbye Patty.
[ Kidman ]: Bye love
[ Scarlet ]: Thank you for the game. :)
[ SwedishFish ]: It must not be anyone famous.
[ Kidman ]: Is the game over now?
[Neutral Grounds]: Patty-Larceny has left at 2:16 am
[ SwedishFish ]: Anyone. They must only be dead.
[ SwedishFish ]: And anywhere.
[Neutral Grounds]: EarlJr has entered at 2:17 am
[ EarlJr ]: hey everyone
[ SwedishFish ]: Hallo Kopter.
[ Kidman ]: Hey guy
[ Scarlet ]: Good evening, Mr. Grovington.
[ DetectiveAwesome ]: Hey Euge!
[ DetectiveAwesome ]: Pats was just here
[ DetectiveAwesome ]: We were playing a gmae
[ DetectiveAwesome ]: *gma
[ DetectiveAwesome ]: *game
[ DetectiveAwesome ]: (feel like a broken record)
[ EarlJr ]: one of Patty's games, huh?
[ DetectiveAwesome ]: we were just answering random character questions
[ DetectiveAwesome ]: for instance... did you know that if Patty was on an island with any member of ACME she would choose you?
[ Kidman ]: Dang...I wanted to play the game.
[ EarlJr ]: I'm honored, but have to ask the obvious question of 'why'
[ SwedishFish ]: She trusted you would fly her out.
[ DetectiveAwesome ]: Well doctor Sophie wanted Mikal
[ DetectiveAwesome ]: I wanted Eartha...
[ DetectiveAwesome ]: I think Gunnar wanted Chase
[ DetectiveAwesome ]: and Sarah wanted Carmen.
[ DetectiveAwesome ]: and Patty figured you could clean her boots and fly her out.
[ DetectiveAwesome ]: Still want to play?
[ EarlJr ]: sure, why not?
[ DetectiveAwesome ]: I've got a random question: Who amongst ACME and VILE is most likey to be a zombie?
[ Kidman ]: :biggrin:
[ EarlJr ]: you mean pick one of each, or just one overall?
[ SwedishFish ]: Gingerbread.
[ DetectiveAwesome ]: was just one overall, but hell let's pick one of each!
[ Kidman ]: I was a zombie once already!
[ EarlJr ]: for VILE, that's easy: Kidman
[ SwedishFish ]: And Chip.
[ DetectiveAwesome ]: My picks: ACME - Nina West (plant zombie) and VILE... Kidman
[ Kidman ]: nods
[ EarlJr ]: on ACME, I'd have to say Ivy
[ DetectiveAwesome ]: who's your ACME?
[ DetectiveAwesome ]: Ivy?
[ Scarlet ]: That is amusing... and very random indeed.
[ Kidman ]: Hmm...I'd say Chase.
[ EarlJr ]: zombies don't respond to being kicked in the groin, hence my pick
[ Kidman ]: Ivy responds to everything with a kick to the groin.
[ DetectiveAwesome ]: Chase I can understand.
[ DetectiveAwesome ]: He's sort of brooding.
[ DetectiveAwesome ]: Ivy... she'd be one of them fast zombies.
[ Scarlet ]: Do zombies brood? I've been led to believe they only feed.
[ DetectiveAwesome ]: the running kind...
[ DetectiveAwesome ]: Kidman, you're up. Go ahead and ask a random character question.
[ Kidman ]: Hmmm....
[ Kidman ]: If you had to date someone on the otherside, who would it be?
[ DetectiveAwesome ]: That's easy... Pats.
[ SwedishFish ]: ...
[ SwedishFish ]: Can I say none?
[ EarlJr ]: that's a tough one. Give me a moment
[ Kidman ]: No.
[ SwedishFish ]: ...
[ Scarlet ]: Ah, I've learnt that work and leisurely pursuits should not be mixed.
[ SwedishFish ]: What Doctor Conrad said.
[ Kidman ]: No bailing, you guys.
[ EarlJr ]: this is a hypothetical, Dr. Conrad
[ Kidman ]: I think I'd pick...Chase.
[ Scarlet ]: Then I shouldn't need to answer, yes? There are so few males I've met from VILE.
[ DetectiveAwesome ]: Yeah hypothetical! I'd never date Pats in real fake life.
[ EarlJr ]: I don't dip my pen in the company ink either, but for the sake of the question, I'll go with the obvious answer and say Adrianna.
[ Kidman ]: Now that is an innuendo.
[ Scarlet ]: ("Real fake life"? LOL)
[ Kidman ]: You can go gay for this.
[ Kidman ]: I went straight.
[ DetectiveAwesome ]: haha
[ SwedishFish ]: ...
[ DetectiveAwesome ]: So why'd you pick Boss, Kidman?
[ DetectiveAwesome ]: and Gunnar and Doc Conrad, you have to answer.
[ Kidman ]: I'm curious as to what he'd do on a date.
[ DetectiveAwesome ]: it's just dating... don't fuss.
[ Kidman ]: especially with me.;-)
[ Scarlet ]: Mm, M. Roux, then.
[ Kidman ]: Would he be all suave or freaked out?
[ SwedishFish ]: ...
[ DetectiveAwesome ]: I wonder if he'd remove the mask for a goodnight kiss.
[ SwedishFish ]: A Techno Tvilling...
[ Kidman ]: There, was that so bad?
[ Scarlet ]: Oh, I don't. I have no aspirations of seeing his face.
[ DetectiveAwesome ]: Techno Tvilling?
[ Scarlet ]: Yes, quite a stuiable choice, Gunnar.
[ Scarlet ]: *suitable
[ DetectiveAwesome ]: So why the Contessa, Mr. G?
[ Kidman ]: Dang, now I really do want to date him!
[ Kidman ]: Foe science!
[ Kidman ]: *for
[ DetectiveAwesome ]: (anything for science!)
[ EarlJr ]: (hear hear)
[ DetectiveAwesome ]: Wants to know why Contessa...
[ EarlJr ]: short answer is that everyone already seems to see the two of us in a similar light
[ Scarlet ]: (Eugene, you should ask the next question - along with answering Daniel's query.)
[ DetectiveAwesome ]: cool. you're up Mr. G.
[ EarlJr ]: so why disappoint their collective expectations?
[ EarlJr ]: ok, give me a sec...
[ DetectiveAwesome ]: Kidman + Chase would be so weird.
[ DetectiveAwesome ]: Still getting over that...
[ DetectiveAwesome ]: It'll be like... really quiet.
[ Kidman ]: I must make this happen somehow.
[ SwedishFish ]: says a prayer for Chase.
[ EarlJr ]: If you were to trade places with someone on the opposing side, who would it be?
[ Scarlet ]: Patty Larceny.
[ DetectiveAwesome ]: Well I would fail as Carmen.
[ DetectiveAwesome ]: I mean... really fail...
[ Kidman ]: picks through her options
[ SwedishFish ]: Patty...
[ Kidman ]: The doctor.
[ Scarlet ]: lifts brows.
[ Scarlet ]: And, Eugene?
[ EarlJr ]: (damn, I made this one tough for myself)
[ DetectiveAwesome ]: Kidman!
[ Kidman ]: Eh? Why?
[ DetectiveAwesome ]: I'd be Kidman. I could sleep and Carmen will pet my hair.
[ DetectiveAwesome ]: It'll be aweome.
[ SwedishFish ]: scoots away from Danny.
[ EarlJr ]: perhaps Joe Kerr.
[ Kidman ]: :biggrin:
[ Scarlet ]: laughs. Good choice, Daniel.
[ Kidman ]: My life is pretty awesome.
[ DetectiveAwesome ]: Why Joe_kerr?
[ DetectiveAwesome ]: and why Patty for that matter?
[ Kidman ]: Hey, how did you know she does that?