“Anybody who is interested in creativity should experience this book. I think it will help people understand the sensory world of a person with autism.”

- Temple Grandin, author
Thinking in Pictures and The Way I See It

Hullo, all, my name is Anie, I'm autistic, and I wrote/illustrated this book on what it's like to be me. There are visuals of my oversensitive sensory system, the surreal nature of living with Synesthesia, illustrated maps of social/sensory theories I've made to make sense of the world, the history of the people who live in my head, and more.

Because of my unusual position in all this, I felt compelled, nay, duty-bound, to fill the void between the outside world and the various states of mental aberration that I hold. There are times I've felt I was made for this sole purpose, and for the longest time I feared dying with it unfinished.

I fear it no longer

Note: I will always have this book online for free, for it is more important to me that the information is accessible, but I do have two requests; Please share it with everyone you think it might be useful, and if you find it moves you, please consider writing a review on Amazon.


Click the thumbnails to download the PDFs for free!

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(A note:  ebook is available, but I feel the book loses some of its beauty on this current version. I’m hoping advancements in technology will allow me to keep the formatting as it is in the PDFS.)

Read the Reviews!  

Visit the gallery that started printing it!

The book is still available through Blurb.
It's a higher quality print, but ever so slightly out of date.

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