[ Lee-Jordan ]: Zing

 [ DericStorm ]: Jordan...

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: What are you looking at, Hulk?

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: I look like a burger to you?

 [ Kidman ]: Hah

 [ Kidman ]: Chase isn't here. Now for some regular Lee.

 [ DericStorm ]: yeah, you do look like dead meat to me

 [ Kidman ]: Lee, you ever shoot anyone?

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: Sure, plenty of times.

 [ DericStorm ]:     

 [ Kidman ]: You ever kill anyone?

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: Comes with shooting them. Not that I stick around to check.

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: Why ask?

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: It's not like I was in ACME or anything back then.

 [ Kidman ]: I dunno, where you?

 [ Kidman ]: when you killed people?

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: Naw, ACME's real strict about killing people.

 [ Kidman ]: So was this before ACME?

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: Chase, especially, if an informant carries a gun, he'd beat you up right there just for endangering people.

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: No, it was after.

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: I learned to shoot at ACME, I actually shot people after I left.

 [ DericStorm ]: -_-

 [ Kidman ]: After Carmen, yes?

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: What's with the Chase signal?

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: Damn right, after Carmen.

 [ Kidman ]: Oh what are you making a face at, Mr. Storm. You love shooting people.

 [ Kidman ]: So why? For the hell of it?

 [ DericStorm ]: i don't love doing it. i do it when there are no other options

 [ Kidman ]: Didn't sound that way to me.

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: I went around a lot, some of those places, you need to do stuff to get by.

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: Gotta hand it to ACME, they know how to teach shooting. Too bad most their agents still use rubber.

 [ Kidman ]: You didn't deal drugs, did you?

 [ Kidman ]: You didn't have any plan at all after Carmen?

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: Stop mentioning Carmen, will you?

Kidman shrugs.

 [ Kidman ]: Nothing to be upset about. It just wasn't your thing.

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: She doesn't know what she's missing.

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: I could have given her everything, made VILE a whole lot more.

 [ Kidman ]: VILE's a team operation. You probably work better alone.

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: She made me look like a stupid kid.

 [ Kidman ]: You were pretty young back then.

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: Course you'd take her side

Kidman reclines on couch lazily.

 [ Kidman ]: I wasn't there.

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: She's even got Chase wrapped around her finger.

 [ Kidman ]: I know, yes?

 [ DericStorm ]: That's not exactly a state secret

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: I was going to break him off her, but heck, she went and stole the tower. Did that for me just fine.

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: State secret or not, pretty sure it doesn't exist anymore.

 [ Kidman ]: TI have to tell you, your efforts to do so aren't very good.

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: Now all I have to do is ride on Chase's wrath.

 [ Kidman ]: It's painfully obvious.

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: The wave's going to take me right to her.

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: You don't get it, do you?

 [ Kidman ]: And then what?

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: If they see me as stupid, it's even better.

 [ Kidman ]: No, but do tell.

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: Then what?

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: What do you mean what?

 [ Kidman ]: Ah, you've restored my faith. Thank you.

 [ DericStorm ]: Lee, you do know we don't trust you as far as we can throw you?

 [ Kidman ]: After you ride the wave, as it were?

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: I don't care about trust.

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: If you can compare me to Nevon, I'm already set.

[ Lee-Jordan ]: Nobody suspects the fool.


(creates private chat window)


[ Lee-Jordan ]: I'd kill her.

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: Couldn't say that out in chat, but that's what happens at the end of the wave.

 [ Kidman ]: Oh seriously, and then what?

 [ Kidman ]: Do you even think these things through?

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: Sure, sometimes, that's all I need to do.

 [ Kidman ]: You'll be thrown in maximum for god knows how long!

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: I didn't say I was going to get caught.

 [ Kidman ]: Damn it, Lee, you have so much talent.

 [ Kidman ]: Though I'm not sure what other plans you have.

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: I've been thinking about it for a while. Long enough.

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: You can go save the queen if you want.

 [ Kidman ]: About what comes after?

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: No more Carmen.

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: The world's a better place.

 [ Kidman ]: For you, I mean.

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: I'm going to plan this so it does work for me.

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: Why else would I go through all this?

 [ Kidman ]: I was beginning to wonder.

 [ Kidman ]: If you were just desperate for revenge.

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: If I'm ever going to be great, I'll need an enemy.

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: But I can't have that with Carmen alive.

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: She knows too much.

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: And you know that too, look at you, you'd follow her off a cliff.

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: Everybody follows her.

 [ Kidman ]: Hm. If you need an enemy, why kill her?

 [ Kidman ]: Unless you want Chase.

 [ Kidman ]: Ah... you mean to take her place...

[ Lee-Jordan ]: No, I don't need to take her place.

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: She's smart, and nice that's the problem.

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: nice enough that people like her

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: I'm not going to go up against that

 [ Kidman ]: I meant as the world's most infamous criminal. The spotlight for yourself.

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: Next to her, I'll always be lower.

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: What I want to do is take Chase's place.

 [ Kidman ]: I bet you could be a sweet heart if you tried.

 [ Kidman ]: Then why aren't you plotting to kill Chase?

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: Because he doesn't need me to kill him.

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: He's got enough enemies.

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: If you've been underground, you'd know how many people want him gone too.

 [ Kidman ]: Then why wait?

[ Lee-Jordan ]: .... Because.

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: Because I don't think he deserved it.

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: I'd be wasting my time.

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: It'll get him soon enough.

 [ Kidman ]: If you kill Carmen while he's on watch, you're done for.

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: But Carmen... I can't have her around.

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: You don't think I know that!?

 [ Kidman ]: Why do you think I'm asking?

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: I won't be anywhere near the spot Carmen dies.

 [ Kidman ]: They'll pin it on you anyway, just like Deric did.

 [ Kidman ]: You already showed your hand.

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: (Yeah, but what they know in RPs and in chat are different.)

[ Lee-Jordan ]: You're not going to go running to Carmen are you, dolly?

 [ Kidman ]: (So that forum post with Lee asking to snipe Carmen isn't RP?)

 [ Kidman ]: Why would I need to? She knows all this already. Really everyone does.

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: (Nay mate, that's a Chat log)

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: (Those things get posted time to time if they're good)

 [ Kidman ]: (Ah. Well, he's an obvious sort)

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: (Chase sayin "if you hurt her, I'll kill you" was REAL good, haha)

 [ Kidman ]: (Cheers for this. It's good fun)

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: (All this probably won't ever happen on this site, mate)

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: (Lee won't change much, I don't think.)

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: (But I keep his future plans as part of his personality)

 [ Kidman ]: (Oh why not? Would be great!)

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: (Not for canon, ai? For maybe off-site RPs)

 [ Kidman ]: (Well not actually killing Carmen, but trying to pull something would be fun)

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: (I was supposed to do that for a cliffhanger at the end of Hiatus)

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: (but mate, I couldn't write it up, so I thought I'd save ideas for later)

 [ Kidman ]: (So long as you consider it, mate. Lee has a lot of potential)

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: (But my ideas aren't half as creative as Dr. Roux's plans for Carmen)

 [ Kidman ]: (What do you mean? I haven't spoken with him)

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: (He wants to make Carmen immortal or something, mate.)

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: (It's all twisted but the good kind, like you see in foreign movies lol)

 [ Kidman ]: (Huh. I've got to get the backstory on this next time he shows)

 [ Kidman ]: (That would certainly agravate Lee, eh?)

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: (Yea and the elderflower thing links to that)

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: (That would suck for Lee, unless Dr. Roux accidentally kills her first)

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: (but since Lee doesn't know about all that, he still has his plans)

 [ Kidman ]: (This place is wonderful.)

 [ Kidman ]: So how long do you intend to hang around ACME?

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: (lol, welcome, mate!)

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: As long as it takes.

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: Or until Carmen's funeral.

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: Maybe even after.

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: If I take Chase's place.

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: And Carmen's gone

 [ Kidman ]: May be a while. Do you think you can stand it?

[ Kidman ]: You need better aim.

 [ Kidman ]: Did you make good money?

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: Not really, I did better translating English-Spanish for smugglers.

 [ Kidman ]: You could always do more of that, but it sounds boring.

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: ha ha yeah

 [ Kidman ]: If... someone asked you to shoot them, would you?

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: am I gettin paid?

 [ Kidman ]: How much would it cost?

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: Is the person a cop?

 [ Kidman ]: No.

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: It's still risky

 [ Kidman ]: But you'd kill Carmen for free?

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: I won't have to shoot Carmen myself.

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: And it's not for free, it's actually going to cost me a lot of money

 [ Kidman ]: *sighs*

 [ Kidman ]: How much does it cost?

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: to what?

 [ Kidman ]: Get a contract on someone?

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: depends

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: could be as low as $25,000

 [ Kidman ]: On?

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: how neat it is

 [ Kidman ]: $25k? I don't have that kind of money!

 [ Kidman ]: *sigh............*

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: you want to be shot?

 [ Kidman ]: Yes.

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: why?

 [ Kidman ]: If they ever catch me.... I can't go to jail.

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: carmen doesn't love you?

 [ Kidman ]: I can't tell you why.

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: oh that

 [ Kidman ]: I just...

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: You won't go to jail

 [ Kidman ]: You promise?

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: ACME has a detention place where VILE gets detained

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: Then Carmen's lawyers show up, do their magic

 [ Kidman ]: They...they do??

 [ Kidman ]: No, I, I can't be there at all.

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: She hardly lets people go to jail

 [ Kidman ]: I can't have a record.

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: then make a fake record

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: Carmen does for everybody

 [ Kidman ]: Do they take pictures of you if you get caught?

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: If you don't have a pic already

 [ Kidman ]: But Carmen could get rid of them, yes?

 [ Kidman ]: No, there's no record of me now.

 [ Kidman ]: That I know of

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: As far as I know, she could get rid of her own records.

 [ Kidman ]: But this is good!

 [ Kidman ]: If I get caught, I'm not dead!

 [ Kidman ]: *hugs Lee*

 [ Kidman ]: You're a good friend.

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: *pushes her back*

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: I'm not a friend.

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: *thinks about it*

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: Okay, fine *hugs back*

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: but don't tell anybody

 [ Kidman ]: <3

 [ Kidman ]: I won't, Lee...

 [ Kidman ]: Thank you.

 [ Kidman ]: I knew...you'd understand.

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: (If Lee can use Kidman against Carmen, mate that'd be ace)

 [ Kidman ]: (He can try)

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: (that's what's he's thinking)

 [ Kidman ]: (Kidman figures as much. Doesn't care.)

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: (She looks like she likes him, ai? And she's close to Carmen enough to be alone in a room with her, why not?)

 [ Kidman ]: (Kidman is...unpredictable)

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: (So is Lee, except he's got one goal)

 [ Lee-Jordan ]: (rich and powerful, and Carmen is key to it all, mate)

 [ Kidman ]: (I'm not sure how killing her would get him that, but whatever

floats his boat. Well, I'm falling asleep at the keyboard. Cheers, love)